Steve Vicious

And adding to that the types of degrees. My BA in Psych with a minor in Child Development ain’t doing shit for me now working in paid search online. I guess I as a 17-18 year old knew doing anything psychology related would require a masters but I was also fucking 17-18 and made a lot of rash decisions then. Fast

Yea I keep hearing “he’s so smart” from a lot of (white) people. (He learned Norwegian just for an interview!) But that really isn’t enough for me. Is he just a smarter, gay version of Beto (who also is just meh)? The bar is so fucking low these days.

Mrs. Vicious likes to put it on while she falls asleep each night. EVERY NIGHT. I’d imagine like 394702372790 other people do the same thing, getting those netflix streams up.

One who actually “leans left” would never parrot that GOP bullshit line you just did.  

Not to mention as a black guy would you rather live in AZ or CA?  

He’s got a new pic today too.  Threw me off a bit, unless there’s some baraka cosplay going on, which, gross.

I know I spoke too soon, other article was farther down the page. He sounds like a bitter ex “Liz turned her back on the party in 2016 and that’s UNFORGIVABLE”.

This thing came out roughly 50 mins ago and still have not seen a baraka comment telling us why Bernie is so great and Liz isn’t a “real progressive”.

Yea and nobody here is arguing for banning “racism”(we already have laws against discrimination). I think we are all more concerned/intrigued/confused/captivated by you stanning for racist behavior because of “freedom of association”.

And people don’t USE their vacation.  I swear I’ve heard co-workers humblebrag about how much vacation time they have.  Which is stupid. 

Yea the fuck? I like DC Young Fly (Yachty is trash) but naw. This looks absolutely fucking terrible.

This is a “weird flex” as the kids say.  Why are you essentially, arguing for a persons right to be racist?  

When you say “freedom of association” do you mean “being racist”.  Cuz it sounds like that’s exactly what you mean

My mom keeps inviting people to my upcoming wedding. Got a text from her yesterday saying “sorry need to invite Amanda, I’ll send you her address.” I don’t even know who Amanda IS.

Yea this ain’t little league, FOH with that soft ass shit.

Apropos of nothing but one of my good friends’ name is Kevin McCarthy. Don’t worry he’s not like THAT Kevin McCarthy and gets pissed they have the same name

And if shes 18 she was all of, -2 years old when columbine happened.

He’s not wrong about cargo shorts.  Those are trash and need to die.

He’s not wrong on cargo shorts.  Those need to stop.  Period.  Camo cargo shorts. Fuck. No.