Steve Vicious

I’m 32 and I hate pranks.

That’s exactly it. He appeals to faux-intellectual people.  He “just asks questions” when questions don’t need to be asked.  And he sounds smart so smart-adjacent people fall into his trap.  That episode about vaccines with that quack doctor is a prime example.

You and Poodletime II are doing the lords work. She really does deserve more coverage (and not in a way that allows those Berners to mock her in the comments).

See my comment to your earlier reply about Bernie assholes.

She really does make too much sense for some people (Splinter, Bros of the Bernie variety).  She’s more steak to Bernie’s sizzle.

Serious question but is there a reason a lot of these young Brits have hyphenated names? Arsenal has at least 3(Maitland-Niles, John-Jules, Psei-Tutu). Also seems like most of them are black players too. Idk if there is some cultural thing going on but it’s interesting.

Those NRA talking points sure come in handy huh? 

Think that’s Dan Gilbert’s burner account.

I’m just curious, what are some jobs that you think shouldn’t provide a living wage?

Hey mom dukes is from Eau Claire. I’ve been to Oshkosh and Sheboygan too!

I’m being hyperbolic for sure, but there’s some level of fucking psycho-ness to think “out of all the millions of homes in america, MINE is gonna be the one that people decide to rob WHILE WE ARE PRESENT IN THE HOME. So I need to get a gun, because I’m going to stop those armed robbers and protect MY FAMILY.” You

Naw I took more of an issue with the “black guys” part. The other headlines didn’t mention anyone’s race until then. I was born at nite, but not last nite my man.

Sorry part human, part animal, part machine is Beast Wars.  MY MISTAKE

Don’t tell them about Transformers.  Don’t want to open that can of worms. 

Also I just clicked on the link about AR-15's saving people. LOL. Holy shit man this isn’t fucking Die Hard. So let me get this straight. You want live the rest of your life knowing you killed someone who broke into your house to steal your TV and sons PS4? So you can walk around with a half chub going to shitty bars

So 10 cases, out of how many homes/households in America? You’re basing your right off of a very small statistical chance. Also having a gun in your home raises the chance it accidentally kills someone that lives there. I’m being practical. I’m much more worried about getting in an accident on the way to work than

I mean it’s pretty common knowledge that states with less strict gun laws have more gun deaths per capita.

I looked him up and it looks like he’s suffering from the classic, mediocre white guy falling upwards trend.  I played D-III ball, just looked him up and he’s a special teams coach in the CFL so I guess that’s a promotion?

He wasn’t as much a thumb looking, goatee type of coach. More the Ben Roethlisberger, beard that doesn’t go far enough down your chin that makes it look like you always have a double chin type.

I had a FB coach in college with kids named Gunnar and Axel. This coach was like if you looked up “football coach” in the dictionary. Crew cut, no sideburns, oakley shades, poloshirt tucked into jeans at casual events.