Why do we (or YOU) keep saying shit like this about cops? Why do we keep giving cops a pass because their job is hard?
Why do we (or YOU) keep saying shit like this about cops? Why do we keep giving cops a pass because their job is hard?
Yea you fucking are. Tore my achilles in Oct. My insurance “covered” things. Like MRI, surgery ect... Except a few days after the MRI that was supposedly covered I got a bill for $500. Before I could even get surgery I had to pay $800 upfront and sure enough a few weeks after surgery a $1350 bill shows up in the mail.…
Tore my achilles in Oct. The MRI I got was “covered” by my insurance. Weeks later I get a bill for $500.
Yea I need to see more. Almost beating Ted Cruz can’t be his only strong point.
Christmas in March!
With this logic would should abolish rape and murder laws, because they still happen right?
It’s always people who live in a fucking all white, gate-community type neighborhood. Like does anyone know anyone that has actually been a victim of a home invasion robbery? The fuck you gonna do? Shoot the robber? Fuck No.
I guess we’re gonna have to agree to disagree. In a vacuum yes we absolutely should expose people to things they may not seek out on their own.
It took me the longest time to realize TIL was Today I Learned.
It’s so interesting to look at how Splinter covers candidates and The Root does. Splinter shits all over anyone not named Bernie Sanders. For christs sake they have an anti-Beto article every 10 seconds.
Ok I get your analogy but even in this fictional classroom example it seems like a bad idea. So less than 50% of the class wants to play blocks. Sports kids don’t, art kids don’t, music kids don’t. But art kids also don’t want to play sports, they want to do arts and crafts. So instead of voting for arts and crafts,…
Fair enough.
Get Out 2: Why Am I So Itchy?
Splinter is fucking terrible now. Other troll dude calling people the n-word and also claiming his a liberal. I don’t understand. Are these people trolls trying to get other liberals to change sides? What’s the end goal here?
Obviously anyone whose seen The Perfect Score would know this information. No Cap!
What the hell are you event talking about here?
Splinter sucks now. Trolls spewing racist shit, Berni nazis and I’m stuck in the grays.
You’re talking about hypotheticals. I’m referencing something that actually happened. So to protect the minority from the tyranny of the majority we subject the majority to the tyranny of the minority?
That dude is exhausting.