I think it’s absolutely just as fucking silly. You’re taking a leap just as much as Christians. There is no God, I know there isn’t. How dumb does that sound? How do you know?
I think it’s absolutely just as fucking silly. You’re taking a leap just as much as Christians. There is no God, I know there isn’t. How dumb does that sound? How do you know?
Atheism is the other side of the coin from religious. Just like how can someone know there 100% is a god, how can someone know there 100% isn’t? It’s just as fucking smug in my opinion.
By incredibly complicated do you mean a complete asshole?
Fuck Bill Maher, when Ben fucking Affleck is being more reasonable then you you have problems.
Remind me of the time when all Muslim kigss went across Europe trying to forcefully convert everyone to Islam. I forget exactly when that happened.
RIP Mac Dre, one of the best that ever did it.
Isn’t he trying to play up the hispanic thing? So it would never have been Bee-to. Unless this is a bad joke I just missed.
Yea and had things gone all to plan what would have been Jussie’s preferred outcome? Hindsight is always 20 20 but sheesh how could this have ended positively at all?
Isn’t banning people from taking pictures of their food just as ridiculous as wanting to take pictures of the food in the first place?
I don’t understand what the problem is. This all seems like virtue signaling “I’m not some rube who takes pictures of their food”, fuck off.
Is eating $300 sushi really needed? For fucks sake who cares if someone takes a pic of their food. This isn’t the fucking Louvre where flash photography can ruin a picture.
Or the chef can fuck off. The person paid for the food, who fucking cares if they take a picture. This just makes chefs seem like dicks. I HATE how fucking snooty some restaurants can be, some condescending ass note on the menu about how they don’t serve ketchup. Fuck off, this is food.
Damn CK got paid. If those figures are correct that’s wayyy more than he would have gotten had he actually played, even if he played on his old 9ers contract before he opted out.
My ginger buddy and his ginger wife named their daughter Olivia Jade. I have a feeling little OJ won’t get confused for any adult entertainer ever.
I don’t understand the fascination with Beto (I also don’t understand Splinters Bernie obsession but that’s neither here nor there). It seems like his best qualities are that he “almost beat Teddy Cruz” which OK almost only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades. That’s about it.
No you’re totally right. Saw the name and it sounded super familiar.
So Sandra Bland is dead because she wouldn’t put out a cigarette yet this breezy is allowed to essentially tell a cop “fuck you”. Yea that makes sense.
Also +1 for the Conceited gif. dude has BARS. and not just from Wild’n Out.
He got Kap paid from the NFL
Thats Kaps attorney too