Steve Vicious

Bet Whitlock references his “black friend” to prove he’s not racist.

You know this dude looks at interracial cuck porn, like 1000000000000% chance.

My fingers are wagging at everyone not holding up their end of the bargain. And what I meant by “get theirs” is that they are insulated from all the shit us regular people deal with. Also fuck you and fuck off. IDK why I’ve spent what seems like weeks responding to you. I don’t even remember what the original topic is

When you get $400 haircuts you probably pay people to blow out candles for you.

Yea would be cool if they read Splinter. Yea votes are earned not owed blah blah, we can shit in one hand and wish in the other, whats gonna fill up faster? There are real life consequences to this shit and the politicians get theirs regardless. So shouldn’t we “get ours”?

Seriously? If you’ve seen Space Jam you’ve seen the music video, which has R Kelly in it. Maybe I’m just young and hip (32) but I feel like everyone knows that.

+1 Yancey Thigpen

I know saw the remaining schedule (no top 4 left to play!) then realized we are shit away.  Does this also mean we’ve seen the last of Ozil starting this season?

100% chance this dude goes to sites like too

Can I go to your job and yell racist shit at you? Also maybe shut the fuck up.

And all those lazy ass people suck too. It doesn’t matter to me WHERE it happens, it matters that it happens. You should be as upset/annoyed/angry as I am because, as I’ve previously stated, I feel it leads to not voting in local elections when it matters even more.

I take it you’ve never heard of the Bills Mafia or never been to a Steelers game.

Why are you essentially advocating for people not voting? What reason do you have to defend that behavior? It’s absolutely outrageous. How fucking childish does one need to be refuse to play because you guy didn’t get picked?

Reading comprehension is fun. Besdies parroting talking points (goldman sachs jerkoff motion) you specifically called her a “loser”. Dems don’t talk that way.  Guess this is my first interaction with a Russian troll.

You sound like a Trump supporter.

People are fucking stupid then (which duh). And there absolutely IS something wrong with not voting AT ALL. One you get don’t get to complain about shit if you don’t participate (No input on groceries? then you don’t get to complain if I cook a meal you don’t like). 2. there are actual fucking consequences here aka

Explain how not participating is not throwing a tantrum? A good politician DOES inspire her base but don’t be an asshole that refuses to play because your guy didn’t win. It’s fucking childish to not participate because you aren’t 100% inspired by your candidate.

At the store this lady was looking at all the corn tortillas next to me and said out loud “I just want non-gluten free corn tortillas”. I tried to explain to her that corn tortillas have ALWAYS been gluten free since they aren’t flour based. And that this is just marketing. She didn’t believe me and kept looking for

At the store this lady was looking at all the corn tortillas next to me and said out loud “I just want non-gluten free corn tortillas”. I tried to explain to her that corn tortillas have ALWAYS been gluten free since they aren’t flour based. And that this is just marketing. She didn’t believe me and kept looking for

I live in CA and can’t tell you how many assholes refused to vote after Bernie didn’t beat Hillary. As long as people act like fucking adults and don’t throw temper tantrums if Bernie doesn’t win I’m OK.