Steve Vicious

Mrs. Vicious has a lot of friends who, if they see something enough times on social media, they will 100% start to be into it (think things like whole30, or various “challenges”.) The social media becoming a primary source of info thing really chaps my ass. I can’t get Mrs. Vicious to watch/read the news, but if she

I believe cops show up because someone was assaulted, not because they want to “protect that persons speech rights”.  

This is such a lame argument (my argument) but her voice just hurts my ears.  I can’t get past that.

He’s boring as shit. I couldn’t get through Kid Gorgeous on a 5 hour flight. It just wasn’t funny. Not bad or anything just not funny. He’s boring and bland.

He’s not funny at all. Don’t get it. He’s about as funny as La Croix is a good beverage. And I’d bet my ass there’s huge overlap between La Croix drinkers and people who find him funny.

Have they necked yet though?

LOL they WISH! 

Yea what happened to snarky clapping Nance-Pants?

Big game tomorrow.  These 4:45 am games are killing me though.  And by killing me I mean allowing me to get drunk before 6 am. COYG!

+1 Arsenal are signing Malcolm!

This is amazing.  Needs to be required viewing for HS age boys.

Bruh like 99% of college football players have no chance of making the NFL. Nobody is suggesting shes the next Derwin James (go noles).  It’s a good story.  That’s it.  Don’t need to throw cold water all over it.

I’ve always found it interesting that as someone who’s mixed race (bi-racial, black and white, half black and half white, whatever you wanna call it) I’m seen as black only when convenient to some people.

So now it’s everyone else responsibility to walk on egg shells around racists? We have to treat them like children who are acting up and explain to adult human beings why saying things like ‘my nieces and nephews are black so...” is problematic?

Lenny Kravitz too yea?

Hogg should sue faux news just like that little dickhole sandmann suing the post.

People on Facebook are saying I’m a bigot because I refuse to give actual bigots a chance to explain/listen to what they have to say. It’s exhausting and so god damn stupid.

LOL dude brought out a black woman who WASN’T ALLOWED TO SPEAK. Then said he has “nieces and nephews of color” so duh he’s not racist.

His “Trump is finally acting like a president” shit was gross too.  But yea like you said par for the course for CNN.

LOL because HUD has the word “urban” in it and duh, urbran = black people?