Yea I’m 5'9" 155 and I look skinny.
Yea I’m 5'9" 155 and I look skinny.
He’s a bootleg Gary Owen, which isn’t saying a lot.
Because the other group included scary black people who said mean things to these white kids.
I decided I want to try Pliney the Elder. Called like 3 stores, was sold out each place. Gave up. Had Bling Pig instead. Meh
Is that you LaMarcus?
Also walking around saying EXACTLY what is on your mind is what toddlers do. Brutal honesty is a dick move. I’m not being honest if I call out my co-working for drinking 9 diet cokes a day starting at 8:30 am, I’m just being a dick.
Gonna need some receipts my dude
Facebook showed me a post from 2 years ago today that read:
And god forbid you’re viewing an article on mobile. Any embedded Instagram posts are just big blank spaces on the page.
Thought the Final Fantasy Tactics WOTL mobile port was pretty darn good.
BET these trolls also cheer’d Tom Brady for not handing over his phone...
It’s raining here and I’m in a walking boot so my foot is wet and I’m in a bad mood so I’ll be that guy: I’m forever doomed to the grays yet all jeffvanhungry has to do is point out some low hanging fruit and he gets 166 likes as of 12:35 on the west coast?
What in the hell are you even talking about?
Counterpoint: Sports children cause me to root against their parents. I’m looking at you Riley Curry. NOT EVERYONE LIKES/WANTS TO BE AROUND YOUR KID.
Chan: “I’m a judgey prick who likes to tell people they are bad with money.”
You gave 3 extreme ass examples. Those 3 people are extraordinary humans. And fuckface all 3 examples ending up with the people getting, wait for it...CARS.
Think you missed my point. I’m saying a lot of people do not have a ton of cash on hand and need to use credit aka subprime auto loans. And a car is 100% a necessity. I live in San Diego, a large city with shitty public transportation. LA is bigger and has worse public transportation. I live roughly 12 miles from my…
They had tables outside the dorms giving away free “college’ shirts like animal house for signing up for a CC. Like the first day AFTER parents left. Can’t image how many people they got.
Wouldn’t that require $4k cash, which most fresh out of college (or people who graduated in 2009) currently don’t have.
If your only option for a car is $3-5K no bank is giving you any kind of loan. And you know who WILL give you a loan? Car dealerships.