Neil Brennan is a national treasure. “show us your face” The one lady vomits and his head explodes.
Neil Brennan is a national treasure. “show us your face” The one lady vomits and his head explodes.
Peep my profile pic. If I had a nickel everytime I had to explain my dad is black, mom is white and no I was not adopted I’d have Jeff Bezos type, fuck you (not YOU) money right now.
And I bet the people talking about “personal responsibility” are straight white dudes who support the death penalty, the NRA, and are against government assistance.
You’re a known troll bro. I also bet you’re pro death penalty and pro NRA. But yea go ahead and talk about “the value of life”. Fuck Off
You’re a troll and a piece of shit human. I’d bet 10000% you’re a white dude so having an unplanned pregnancy is something that would never affect you. That also would require having sex with women so yea I think you’re ok.
It’s all moral hand-wringing and virtue signaling and a fucking performance. They don’t care about women having a say on what goes on inside their bodies. It’s such a joke.
So you’re for expanding childcare, making it cheaper and more available. You for better sex education for youth so they don’t get pregnant in the first place?
Aubrey? Is that you? Also I think Push sleeps just fine at night knowing he doesn’t sell as many records as Drake. Push doesn’t make music for white, suburban teenage girls.
You must be white. Public shame goes a long way as we’ve seen with all these BBQ Beckys, Permit Pattys and Crosswalk Carolines. I suspect if these people had not gotten caught doing racist ass shit they would have kept on doing racist ass shit.
Public shame goes a long way. People typically don’t change unless something forces them to.
I had a football coach who said you can “wish in one hand and shit in the other, which hand fills up first?”
Naw, it’s not that people “never had the chance to ask themselves that question in a matter of importance” it’s more people refuse to look within about their own prejudices.
Hey I see ya un grayed! Hook a brotha up!
Penn State (ew) Arrington was UNREAL. I miss LBs that wore cowboy collars..
Also buzzing in before the question is finished being read locks you out for 1/4 of a second. The more you down it the more you get locked out.
You obviously aren’t a hip hop fan if you doubt Kanye’s influence on the genre. Shit you must not even be familiar with hip hop if you don’t recognize how much talent dude has.
They played the Raiders. Don’t give whatever a “Nick Mullens” is too much credit.
Shit WCS > KAT (right now, like this exact second, once Jimmy Butler gets traded KAT will stop sulking and remember he’s a top tier NBA player).
Wasn’t the knock on Drew Magary Jr. something about too many turnovers in college...
Wasn’t the knock on Drew Magary Jr. something about too many turnovers in college...