Steve Vicious

Hey I see you un-greyed! Feel free to hook a brotha up.

Any time I see an adult over the age of, I don’t know, 20, with a Chive anything I automatically know that person is a trash human.

Unfortunately it’s real.  Just like Jerry could catch all those TDs he caught a bunch of Ls here :(

Blue Apron sucks balls. Tried it and you’ll get recipes that assume you have certain things already (olive oil, certain spices ect...). The entire point of those meal services is you DON’T have to already have shit.

Maybe I’M missing the joke but it seems like a dumb troll move. His article about ruining fantasy drafts also seems like a dumb troll move.

Look I LIKE Travis Scott but lyricist of the year? He’s 90% ad libs.  Again I like his music a lot but would not consider him lyrical.  ASTROWORLD is really good though. 

Live in Cali too and I hate that shit man. I feel like there are more SUVs in San Diego than sedan versions too.  

The bowling green, basement of a pizza parlor holocaust.

She prolly lost her train of thought.

May be safe to say that segment went off the rails a bit...

And you know why cops don’t fuck with me, because I give them zero reason to. Because I’m white.

Reading this and the article about Mack make me glad this is the season I decided to stop watching the raiders and the nfl. 

Nobody is slandering Melissa McCarthy, her last two all her movies are doing that for us.

Dang that’s my fraternity too. Did not go to Auburn (CSU Chico, go Wildcats) and would like to think our chapter wouldn’t do something that hateful.

Shocking the guy who, when he gets to say his college on MNF says “a whole pack of badgers” is not well liked. Trying to please everyone usually ends up pleasing no one.

Yea it sucks too because I love the game of football but this will be the first season I’m not watching NFL, doing fantasy football ect...

+1 Cool Cool Cal