Steve Verlaine

I know people always say the cast you grew up with is the one you'll think is the best, but there are definitely up and down periods to SNL, and they've been trying to find their feet for the last five years since Sudeikis, Samberg, Hader, Forte, Armisen, and Wiig (certainly an 'up' period) all left within a year or

I don't know. Blackwater, Watchers on the Wall, and this episode are all resolved by a third party army unexpectedly coming to the rescue at the last possible second. They definitely need some new tricks.

I think starting a cult was actually the first Review idea they took from the Australian version since 'Divorce' early on last season.

Did you forget the one where he went into space like it was no big deal?

I don't know. The Community fanbase liked to say that the traditional sitcom episodes sucked in comparison to the high-concept ones and Dan certainly listened to them to the point where the show became almost nothing but high-concept episodes, to the show's overall detriment. That's not something I want to happen to

Myles is definitely the David Brent to Forrest's Michael Scott. I prefer Myles, frankly, as there were a number of times in the first season where it felt like they were going to painful and unfunny lengths to avoid making Forrest look like a bad guy, the most egregious example being the Racism review. If they're

Is it just me or is the girl in the couple that Dennis and Liz play 'Mistress or Daughter?' with in the restaurant actually Phoebe, Jack's gold-digging future fiance who won't be introduced until the end of the season? They have an uncanny resemblance.

Hannibal is a very tragic character. After coming back to Carthage for the first time since he was a small child, having spectacularly failed in his lifelong dream of destroying Rome, he delivered a very eloquent speech explaining that he had gone insane and was therefore glad that the war was finally over, that