
Well, this will certainly be the car stripped to a hull and dumped outside Port Newark the fastest.

That’s strange, usually people ask me for my phone number instead of laughing. :P

When you live in NYC, people are constantly trying to cut you off, so you have to be on the guys bumper and when you have a clutch pedal, that means utter concentration for over 2 hours of quick bursts, drop the clutch quick, inch forward, depress clutch and slam on brakes. Over and over and over and over.

Miss Merc is going to have something to say to you.

Because you will be able to hear everyone laughing at you.

“... the only difference between him and a Republican is that he says he’s not one.”

As a father of a seven month old, my PS4 has rapidly transformed into a $400 paperweight capable of playing Curious George episodes whenever whoever’s in charge of the baby needs to take a shit. Turns on like a breeze though

I’m pretty sure white means I’m a boring conformist who drives a transportation appliance.

Can I ask a question that might get me in trouble?


Interior by Mizuno

My statement is also 100% correct as stands. Hardy was convicted. He wasn’t merely accused. I think noting that he was actually found guilty is part of a pretty important message.

Yes yes, Putin is the real hero in all this. If only he got a fair shake in the media. Poor guy.

No, I think Russia invading multiple territories over the course of the last few years, as well as currently attempting to keep a murderous dictator in power has done more to skew American “prejudice” than Tyler’s font choice ever will.

In that case, it’s cheaper to just get a E38 740i with a blown engine for $1000 as the base car. the $6000 can get you that S62 and the requisite Getrag S6S


The OCPD are doing the Lord’s work. All hail.


Can I still find fuel and grease?