
As someone for Central Jersey (yes, we exist damnit), New Jersey isn’t full of bad drivers, those drivers are from the states that around us (although Deleware isn’t too bad). Granted, you might see someone speeding around on the parkway, but that’s common. We know how to give each other space and not to tailgate

no, because boost in a supercharged engine is directly related to rpm. this thing can make full boost and hold full boost at virtually any rpm, on or off the throttle. I’ve heard them say there actually making more boost off the throttle with the ALS than the engine can make on its own wide open.

This would be so much better if you had used the correct “they’re”, but “Powdered Donuts” earns a star from me.

Nope, all crapcans. Truth hurts.

I think closer to reality is that your friends are unlucky. From the F150 community (i.e. forum) there isn’t any noticeable spikes in issues compared to any generation.

ft86 also has an excellent stickied write-up about this. i used to link it every time it came up. no one seems to care. it’s like fb. everyone wants to complain, no one want’s to hear reasoning.

Now playing

This car NEVER has been engineered for FI! Please read up on the entire idea behind the 86 and BRZ. The chief engineer of the series said it will not get FI. If someone wants FI they can put it in themselves or buy another car.

looked a little more Blues Brothers than Jason Bourne

You’ve posted 3 comments so far on this thread. Let me guess: you’re “straight.” Those who scream the loudest....

I think Thomasaurus’ issue is that it’s not that exact model that’s on sale (i.e. not the 70 series).

Americans and racing, so funny.

The correct response for this incident. He did a good thing. Everything is PEACEFULLY resolved. I have an issue why the boat with mechanical problems is allowed to be in that area.

What issue do you have with this statement?

Our head diplomat made a diplomatic statement about a touchy diplomatic situation!? That’s just crazy!

How is it a humiliation? We avoided over reaction and bloodshed and a simple accident was treated as just that, an accident.

This looks pretty good. The outside door handle placement is interesting. It doesn’t break up the lines of the side of the car.

A properly made speedbump should not damage your car. This shit is not properly made.

I've worked with printers numerous times and the majority print whatever you give them, even if it's obviously wrong. There isn't a lot of incentive to do so because as it's the client's screw up they'll have to pay out of pocket to fix it. Good printers, however, will always point out issues beforehand so that

yeah yeah yeah babes jumps whatever this was my favorite shot

for jalop money, you can get a cruiser.