Model Y Long Range is still eligible for the tax credit.
Several tesla models are still eligible
I’ve started thinking the same. It’s one thing to be brainwashed into thinking this stuff is true, but I’m starting to think that mental illness plays a large role in it.
police “have no jurisdiction over” Mercado, and arguing that “she is not a United States citizen.”
I guess click-bait is the M-O on the internet (of course it is), but it’s extremely annoying that you insist on writing headlines that suggest
He’s a rude bastard who most of us will NOT miss.
Elon Mush is a POS, and you shouldn’t give him any of your hard earned money.
That’s one hell of a big for A/C and exhaust work.
Here we go with yet ANOTHER slanted piece on EVs.
Yes. Eventually one of your professors will read your columns and petition the Dean of Students to revoke your diploma.
Oh god that makes it even worse. The state of universities if they’re graduating kids like this.
“and airlines are working diligently to make the experience a living nightmare.”
Its only slightly less obsolete than all the electric cars that are being sold now that will look ridiculously antiquated in 5 years time as new tech rolls out. But the CT5-V blackwing will still be the last of these impressive beasts and hold value. It all depends on how you look at it.
Knowing Corollas... Get that back on the ground, replace some fluids and stuff, it’ll probably still run, but that house won’t be usable for a while. Car:1, House:0?
the lightning horse?
Yep, when someone terrorizes you due to their own incompetence and they have the legal authority to kill you and your entire family with consequences (if any) to happen later, best put a smile on your face and say, “THANK YOU SIR! Can I have another?!”
Some shipping companies do disconnect both the 12V and the HV battery. But if the car is undamaged, there isn’t a really need for doing so. Given a similar fire has happened on a ship with no EVs (and that ship burned down completely and sunk), I highly doubt it necessarily has to do with the HV battery.