
Toyota has released, in a corporate video earlier this year, a timeline for a BEV pickup before or in 2026. But i’m sure you neglected to mention that.

Well so much for 39k. Man he scammed a lot of people. The Tesla forum says they wont return deposits for years back for the 39k price and now Tesla wants the balance and will sue to get it. Elon is a scammer y’all

So the dealerships have crap salesmen so they want it to slow down? Fire the salesmen and hire salespeople who know what they’re doing, problem solved. 

Land Rover ads do the same. Wonder if they’re banned in the UK also?

Yeh, this was a a bit of a turn off for me but ehh, they’re jokes. Just seemed out of spec for him. Fame getting to his head?

Another boring track like Miami. Catering to the rich and famous and 1% of Americans with disposable income.

I thought Elon said his software was unhackable?  hmmm

He’s a millennial. Do I need to say more?

With stories like this you should ask for a refund.

Jalop has officially jumped the shark.

lol, so the the company CEO”s personally making millions every quarter is Joe’s fault. oh man that’s desperate.

You’re so hot when you’re a hypocrite.

Ehh not an EV,  it’s junk.

Those materials have been mined for over half a century already. Oil drilling, transport and refining are more harmful to us all.

When was an F1 car designed for 1/4 miles? Another click bait vid.

Ehh I”ll wait for the EV version of the coupe. I”ll be much faster. 

Police should know the abbreviation of US states and none of this would have ever happened.

Well not all people don’t think like you and Elon should have stuck to cars and rockets. He’s a known anti semite, homophobic and racist. Just not someone I’d like to see profit from my money. Too righteous for you? I don’t care and others feel the same way I do. 

This one does have EV chargers.

The self proclaimed saviour of free speech is now monetizing it just because he can.