Chip Skylark of Space

My issue is that it just feels lazy. The sheer trend doesn’t require a skilled tailor/seamstress, or talented designer.

I dunno...I know it’s supposed to be empowering and all, and show that women can dress however they want and nudity is not sinful and blah blah blah. I guess I can get behind that in theory. But when I see a woman in one of these things, all I can think is that it just looks...kinda dumb. If someone with Rita Ora’s

Repeal the Jones act and ban bunker fuel between US ports. The modern shipping engines that run on diesel or natural gas are considerable cleaner than the traditional ship.

My favorite part of A Christmas Story is her quiet rebellion against the leg lamp.

And let me guess, Subway corporate is going to force heir franchisees to buy new equipment and train employees all the while threatening to take their franchises if they don’t comply.

Man, I Feel Like I Know This Woman

He's been doing the same thing Peter Dinklage did from the opposite side of the spectrum: turning his unusual size into a strength, not a hindrance.

I like this insight. Dave’s hit the right niche of this ‘gigantic individual with a soul of a poet’ thing where he is comfortable with his size and the advantages it has.....but deep down it really doesn’t seem like he identifies it as ‘him’.  He really strikes this balance of intelligence wrapped in a big body you

Cena’s strength is a willingness to mock his own persona, which Johnson doesn’t really do (maybe in Pain & Gain, a bit). I think he’s generally a good actor but hasn’t stretched himself like Bautista, who I agree is becoming a revelation in how strong he is with the quiet parts of a performance.

His Blade Runner performance is definitely what put him over the top. All these guys have good comedic timing from hamming it up during their wrestling days. Maybe it helps that Bautista has less faceman charisma than Johnson or Cena, but regardless he takes it to another level. His performances also don’t boil down

People in cars cause accidents

All that medical care is paid by nationalized healthcare, at least it is in civilized nations.

There's a video of a teenager that took a DNA test that did not match either parent.  The mom was shocked that dad said "but it was your idea - remember in the hospital she was crying and you told me to change her? I picked a good one.

Why is the photo on this article of El Al planes? They literally have nothing to do with this story.

What an extraordinarily ignorant view on children and parenting. This may sound shocking, but tiny children often behave very differently from each other, regardless of the parenting method. 

I can’t buy a Tesla Model S from Ford and they are clearly competitors. every streaming service is fighting over content demographics and Netflix shares a lot of demographics with the other providers.

This is going to be exceptionally annoying for anyone who splits time between multiple households. My parents live in two separate households I split my time between, but I’m the netflix account holder. Their TV’s are hardly portable.

For Birkeland to claim to “know their pain personally” ostensibly in relation to her sister and simultaneously disregard what her sister has to say on the matter is incredibly on brand for a repub.

Victim-shaming is never worse than when perpetrated by fellow women. I was bullied into giving birth to my daughter Julia. I shouldn’t have to explain to other women why I refer to Julia as unaborted. Real women know without being told.

Any fellow woman who would shame me or demand explanations from me is no different