Lordy this site has gone to shit
Lordy this site has gone to shit
I think he noticed this the most when he tried to flush all those torn up official records!
My area of Cubeville has some sort of trailing plant that I think is a philodendron. (I can’t take pictures at work and “darn it Jim we’re engineers not botanists” so that makes identification a bit more complicated.) But that thing will not die. It’s been left in the dark for weeks at a time, over watered, under water…
We sometimes make hotdogs rolled in crescent roll dough. With cheese inside, and rolled in parmesan cheese before baking.
In an article about position of hand relative to phone why no actual pictures of the positions discussed? Same goes for sex positions BTW.
If you’re anything to do with London in the UK, you’d know that these are variations on sausage rolls.
Life long Oregonian and no stranger to rain here: Fuck umbrellas and people who use them, especially people who use them, then also walk under awnings with them.
Wasn’t this also what lost us Natasha Richardson?
Actually read the story man. He’s arguing the city has bigger fish to fry. They need to focus on education to attract younger families. They have to worry about the expansion of infrastructure before adding a ton of people.
Librarian here.. Kanopy is really really expensive for libraries to own so that may not be available at most libraries (NYPL had to drop it and they have a hug amount of funds..) Hoopla is a pretty good option!
she Googled the supplement, has me in her phone contacts, and our location data showed that we were in the same location.
If this isn’t a great reason to use an ad-blocker, I don’t know what is.
What? Nothing about a really good tool for this task? Usually obtained as a freebie from insurance companies and such. They usually have some advertising on one side. Behold, a letter opener! I use this same tool for cutting wrapping paper as well. Insert under the corner and slide across the top neatly opening said…
Thank you for this. I just reported HBO Max. I signed up using my phone and went to cancel using my phone and they made it completely impossible. When you get to the cancel screen in the app they first offer you the ability to choose a different plan (clickable) and then the actual cancel button is under that. Except…
Potential downside: -100%
Potential upside: +∞%
“The Book of Boba Fett” is conceived from the beginning as “Mandalorian 2.5" rather than its own thing.
Right after Roy Orbison died in 1988, just a couple of months after The Traveling Wilburys Volume 1 was released, I bought two copies. One I listened to, and the other I left wrapped in plastic and have kept it that way ever since. It’s even still in the original Record Bar bag with the receipt. It looks like it’s…
Sooooooooooooooo, J-Lo is doing Notting Hill only with less charm, more social media involvement, and more emphasis on trying to convince the world that she’s still TDF.
I rewatched the Stargate movie recently, and it’s still absolutely stands up Spritely, fun, great chemistry in the cast.
I guarantee that Moonfall will be dumber than the Jackass movie.