No inspection is peak stupid.
No inspection is peak stupid.
Something else to look for is a sagging roof. If all the roof edges, both peaks and sides, are not perfectly straight, there are problems.
Recently flew overseas. It’s amazing how many people think that their nose is somehow not connected to their respiratory system, and how often the same people needed to be repeatedly told by the flight crew to pull their mask up over their nose.
I can’t believe how hard I’m laughing. I’m gonna see a lung in a minute.
This is sooo much easier!
Always remember that kinky is using a feather, perverted is using the whole chicken... and depraved is serving it to your boss when you have them over for dinner the next day.
Per the article, “center of the artwork should be 57 inches from the ground”
At rhe time of that ad campaign DeBeers actually had enough diamonds stockpiled the cost per carat should have been about a buck fifty. The convinced people to pay upwards of 300-500% above cost.
Q: What’s the difference between a religion and a cult?
When patching larger holes, it is easier to square up a piece of scrap drywall, then use that as a pattern. Hold the piece over the hole, trace it, then cut out the hole to match the patch.
The concerns are that they want more money, might ignore managers younger than them, have parental duties, can’t be jerked around in the same way fresh hires can, etc.
I mean, yes, in many cases more senior hires are a better choice, but lots of companies are making hiring decisions for less than great reasons.
I had to do this for the first time last week, so one additional tip that I don’t think was made clear in the tutorials I saw/read (though it’s obvious in hindsight) - when the spackle is dry and you’re sanding it, DON’T sand everything away except for the hole. For a dent or something that has something behind it,…
I thought I would be skeptical of these, but nope, I agree with them completely.
Given that the resume first has to make it through an automated system first, not a human being at all, a lot of this advice is pretty dated.
I use my phone number as a hint to where I live, and it’s a lie. So my area code and prefix are from the city but I live in the country. Why? I don’t want a lowball offer because my cost of living is lower, and I don’t want to get passed over because of my commute. I live where I do for a reason and the commute is my…
so Lifehacker is just slideshows now. Revenue stream wasn’t cutting it, huh?
Could it be worse than last year, when one package I sent from Ann Arbor, MI, to Columbus, OH, went Ann Arbor —> Detroit —> Pittsburgh —> Orlando —> Columbus in the span of a month, and the other went Ann Arbor —> California —> Cincinnati —> Columbus, where it sat for a couple of weeks before reaching its destination…
Just an opinion here, but I want to share anyway: I find the “play something at random” button strikes close to the heart of what I consider a problem for many of us. Instead of sitting down and then FINDING something to watch (which means you’re planting yourself in front of a screen no matter what), why not do the…
is there a setting to get rid of slideshows?