Depends. Are you black, brown or Asian?
Depends. Are you black, brown or Asian?
Wow. Just wow.
Half & half because many coffee drinkers have a bottle in the fridge. We do, as well as the container of powdered coffee white-out in the pantry, for when you didn’t get to the store in time, before the half & half ran out.
These polygraph session questions are supposed to be answerable with yes or no responses in order to be “readable’. Elizabeth Olson I don’t think ever responded in a yes or no.
That’s where, as with all things, YouTube is your friend.
Really? Jose and the Pussycats?
I did that with Fresh Horses.
Don’t just stop at the toilet seat. If you have an older toilet that needs to be flushed multiple times in order to *ahem* move product, you need to replace the toilet. Toilets are pretty damned cheap, and 80% of the ones sold in this era flush really well. Anything in your house that predates you living in the house…
Missing from the article is the crousaint rolls, where you unroll the tube, tear on the dotted lines and roll back up to bake. These can be jazzed up with the melted butter brushed on before rolling back up. I’ve also sprinkled on grated cheese (nothing too mild that would get lost). You can also tuck them into shapes…
Fargo fans are going to Minnesota, where they can see many of the places where they filmed the movie. You can always stay at a lake (there’s 13,000 of them) and rent a wood chipper.
I’m calling out to the Twins to round off their silly ass $209 price. Drop it to an even 200, or round up to 225.
Washing your pillows every week? That increases the likely hood that that at some point you don’t dry them enough, and you get mold growth in your pillow. Breathing in mold is so much worse then a pillow getting yellow with age.
Costco employees smile, are helpful, and are happy to help you. Sam’s Club employees are sullen, and are rarely on the floor.
I recognize these; they’re pretty cool
Heat Stroke? Get a wash cloth and get it dripping with cool water, and lay it across the back of your neck, where it will do the most good, to cool down your brain.
Build your own PC article that starts with making your own chips. Slide show at 11!
Because pillows break down over time*, and the crappy yellow stains are a good wear indicator, telling you to run out and get a new pillow that doesn’t have your skull imprint in it.
Elizabeth- PICTURES of these creatures please. Pictures of their holes would be a great positive too.
...but if your garden has been suffering at the ‘hands’ of the local rabbit population, and your neighborhood coyotes are not doing their part, then plant as much Salvia as you’d like.
The Day Lily? They are a pretty weed. Unless you get serious about digging up the tubers around the edge of where you really want them, and throwing the extra ones the hell away, they will take over a yard, and pretty damned quickly too. I’ve tried beheaded them with a lawn mower or a weed wacker and it’s not enough.…