Chip Skylark of Space

The Peanut allergy was brought home when a coworker went into the restaurant across the street from work, asked if they used peanuts in the dish that he and his wife ordered, and died when it turned out that it did.

Growing up outside Boston, my summers were hell, but not as bad as my grandmother had, living her life in the Hants River valley of Nova Scotia. The daughter of farmers, every time something bloomed in Nova Scotia, her eyes would run, her sinuses would clog, it was horrible. As an adult, I moved to Minnesota in an

Elizabeth, you are to be congratulated on not doing this a a slideshow, but you still need to include pictures of these itchy plants.  What is the plant at the top? I have it in my yard, and I would like to know it’s name.

Roos, this list is too short.

A long time ago, we paid for internet access at my in law’s cabin in Michigan, and we would have ‘working vacations’ where my wife take vacation time, plus she also billed the company for the hours she would spend on the phone doing her company’s various support roles. Lets just say it was not relaxing for her at all.

So in the next Slapsgiving celebration, will Will Smith be playing Barney? Will Jada be playing Robin?

So, if I just use regular dishwasher soap, can I use a paste made of that stuff? I tried using the tablets once, and they didn’t dissolve during use, so I went to the liquid.

Beth, Apples don’t belong in this list, you need to do a separate article of trees that you’ll want to raise in your yard. Apples, crab apples, cherries, plums, paw paws, maybe pears (but quite the commitment).

No mention of Creeping Charlie? I don’t think I could get rid of it short of nuking from orbit or raising goats in my yard.

This is Lifehacker, Jim. This one of those ‘Life hacks’ they tout.

I’m almost 70, and my whole life (unless woken up during the night), I never remember my dreams.

When I was a kid, each summer, my parents would drive to my grandparent’s house in Hants County Nova Scotia. In mid summer, the cherry tree above their house would be filled with delicious cherries, like it did when my mom was a kid.

There’s a Costco on the way home from work, and gas at their station is generally about $.20 a gallon cheaper then retail. Over the course of a year I’m recovering about a third of the cost of the Costco membership just on gasoline.

I adored him in Dog. That’s an excellent movie.

Thanks Beth

When I was a kid (long enough ago that my dad was driving us to Expo ‘67 in Montreal), we came across a yellow car dead stopped in the middle of I-89 the interstate that crosses Vermont. Dad slowed down and stopped when we came up to the car because the driver had gotten out of his car, and he was covered in blood

The one dog I hit, I hit it at a slow enough speed that it scrambled out from under my car and ran for the hills. I stopped and tried to help the owners catch up with him, but he wasn’t having any part of anyone that afternoon.

I once got a bird embedded in the grill of my car. Nice, perfectly spread, wings stretched out, neck broken of course, no spray of feathers; dramatic, I must say.

Styro egg cartons can work well, just based on the fact that we have more more of them then muffin pans, and they can’t recycled. Mammoth muffins (copyright(c) by Perkins Restaurants) also tend to be too big for most of the seeds I’m interested to starting this time of year. If you over water in whatever containers

Wire fence panel (6 to 8 feet long) and two 10 foot lengths of electrical conduit will get you a lovely trellis that will be great for anything for squash, gourds, cucumbers, even tomatoes, if you bought some climbing tomato types.