Steve Rincon

Wait, which person am I talking to? The one that's joking, or the one that isn't?

More contradiction. No surprise there.

But that's a joke, so don't listen to anything this guy posts.

I agree what you said was a total joke.

If you want me to buy what you're selling, regarding 'art,' then YOU can look elsewhere.

Do you always contradict your own statements, or is it just in this post?

"They clearly are." And your evidence for that is what?
I don't have a strong negative opinion about them, along with many other people. Suck THAT up.

How is Steely Dan 'terrible?' You just don't like them. Deal with it.

Please, at least Season 6's cast were comedians (Murphy and Piscopo started then). The episodes from '85 were even WORSE. They were mostly actors, who THOUGHT they were funny, not real comedians. Please.

Please, at least Season 6's cast were comedians (Murphy and Piscopo started then). The episodes from '85 were even WORSE. They were mostly actors, who THOUGHT they were funny, not real comedians. Please.

"Head Over Heels," although a great song, is rather corny to me. "Our Lips Are Sealed," to me, is a pop song masterpiece. It's deep, emotional, and memorable. Give me this one, any day.