
Do TV manufacturers (or Apple) expect people to buy a new flat screen TV every couple of years? I'm far more likely to get a Roku (or something similar) when the apps on my Samsung stop getting updated.

I use Netflix and Pandora all the time on my Samsung TV. Hulu and Youtube probably get used by many people, too.

And with Sprint, unlimited means unlimited.

That's what I thought too, but it's proven that people pay less attention to their surroundings (such as the "caution blocks on the street" she walked right by) while talking on the phone. The guy that rear ended my car while I sat at a red light was yapping away and never slowed before ramming my car into the car in

No Pfft.

I still use an EVO 4G and I wouldn't mind a larger phone, but the Note might be a little too much. At SXSW, everybody stopping by the Samsung area was seeing if the phone fit in their pockets, and other than one petite gal wearing odd designer jeans, it fit for everyone. I think I'd like a phone sized about halfway

For the first time since I bought it, my EVO seems small. Sprint, please add this phone to your lineup ASAP. That is all.

typical misleading headline to generate page views.

I quit watching these a long time ago. A large percentage of it is over-applause from the congressmen and other attendees from the presidents' political party. Just gimme a copy of the transcript so I don't have to puke while watching them bask in the applause. I said the same thing while W was in office, so save

That's funny. Huffpo's tech page currently has a top story about B&N spinning off the Nook business. []

Fun? Circling around for 30 minutes just to park then trying to get through a mob of people that probably exceeds the maximum capacity of the place just to save 10% on something while waiting in long lines all day? Then drive through traffic where nobody knows exactly where they are going while looking stuff up on

The first iPhone didn't have competition for a while, but now more Android phones are sold every month than iPhones. It's just a matter of time before Android tablets catch up, too.

RIM isn't a threat to Apple. The Amazon tablet is.

Open it up to businesses and Google Apps accounts, and the numbers will really go up.

The name isn't that great. If the guy won't sell, just choose a better name. Simple.

I switched to Gmail but I set it up to use my own domain name. This keeps me from being able to use Google+. Genius.

Tip: Put your name somewhere on the case. Seems obvious, but most people don't think of it or bother.

It does have ads, which hardly anyone is mentioning when they suggest switching to Hulu. I don't need to see more mindless ads, so it's worth a couple extra bucks to stick with Netflix. Not to mention Netflix is already built in to so many devices. even with the higher price it's still a decent deal. The streaming

I'm not sure why people think the selection of streaming video is so great. By far, most of the stuff in my queue is available in DVD format only. Also, the quality of the streaming isn't that great on a big LCD TV in scenes with moderate to heavy action. So I'll be choosing the DVD option.