Steve Padilla

I agree, in a slightly different direction. I think she should have stayed at a big firm because then she could obsess and build her own crater to work in, getting into the weeds. I'm not certain mentorship could help much in her case.

That car crash was telegraphed from miles away. Still had an impact. It appears Kim fell asleep at the wheel. She was driving past a Home Depot and then a Krispy Kreme donuts, probably shot on Coors road, north of I-40, the only place in Albuquerque where the two stores are in that close proximity. There's a

Never heard of Al Franken?

"everyone thought he’d be presiding over the first show under President-Elect Hillary Clinton" - Illustrating how out of touch liberals are. Everyone, really? This kind of statement is exactly what they were making fun of in the election party. The cold open was an insult to Leonard Cohen and combined with weekend

Dear Kevin Johnson, this may be the worst review ever written and its only redeeming grace is that you were only substituting. Where in the world does the A.V. Club find these self loathing beta social warriors who insist on ruining every damn thing? I hope that your safe space doesn't have internet uploads so that no

Unfortunately that is rather unlikely to be successful. The way those kinds of employment contracts are worded they include anything you came up with while an employee so the second the university found out about Penny's patent (plus Leonard and Sheldon would presumably quit) off to court they'd go. Penny's

I liked Truth Be Told, though truth be told I'd watch Zach Morris in anything. Also, The Brink was both incredibly stupid and enjoyable!

Am I the only one who not only know who Candlebox is/was(!?), but actually likes them more than Blink 182?