
My family immigrated legally from Colombia, so I’m from the Americas by birth and a legal U.S. citizen as we went through the process. As I apparently fit all of your criteria, I’d be happy to show each of them the door personally if it would make you less squeemish.

Who’s responsible for getting their family splitting up? The illegal invaders! I’m sorry it happens, but that’s the damage theyy face by flaunting our laws.

If only the animals had kicked out the first asians that came to North America. Then there’d be no humans over here and way less problems.

These illegals are taking more in social services then they contribute to the over all economy. They are hired by Liberals to cook and clean so the liberals can escape paying their fair share. These people are here illegally and need to go home. Apply and come LEGALLY! I did!

The reason why it appears ICE is going after Latinos is because the massive bulk of illegal aliens are from Latin countries. I have European friends who were caught, tossed in federal holding cells and deported out a few days later.

Wrong: Chicago has a huge issue with illegal Serbians and Poles, they get rounded up as well.

The fact that you are trying to say that Drunk driving isn’t a serious offense for an individual who is not legally in our country is ludicrous. Tell that to any family of someone who has died at the hands of a drunk driver - it only takes one time for it to be a fatal mistake. Additionally, an illegal alien having

i agree

seriously... Stop defending illegal immigration. It’s illegal. It shouldnt be tolerated at all. No matter what. The only ones I feel should be allowed to stay at this point are ones who have established families where they have kids that are citizens. Those ones should be safe because your legal system took too