
I actually expected them to ignore the Jason/Scot behavior…due to CBS not wanting controversy.

Bitter jury

"respectful towards Aubry"?? Did you even watch?
Four of them didn't even ask Aubry anything, let alone even acknowledge her.

Don't forget her crying on cue right after Tai cried…

Yeah…someone should've called her on that.
She went along on that out of fear….following like the "puppy" she was week in week out.
I hate when they pretend that was strategy.

Simple answer…another bitter jury

Good call…that was an hour I'll never get back. They didn't even talk to Cydney…who came in 4th

You know a Survivor contestant was useless when they actually seem to gain weight by the end….like Vecepia, Sandra, Sophie (rode Coach's coattails) and Michelle