
I kind of love Jeremy Paxman though.

I was more surprised that the emphasis was not

Matthew Perry should marry Katy Perry.

Is there something to read into the way you went from “Let’s all think of people Justin Trudeau should beat up” to “Look, Russell Brand is being an ignorant tool again”?


No, passing on a double yellow is being an asshole. Swerving to intimidate and kill is [attempted (edit)] murder. Asshole is much lower on the scale.

What kind of sociopath thinks trying to kill someone over a traffic infraction is equivalent to the traffic infraction?

Harmlessly passing someone in a no passing zone isn’t being an “asshole” . Trying to murder two people is.


I guess you’ll have to talk to Billboard since they’re the source of this information, and wouldn’t they know more than most? They did point out the featuring portion but that doesn’t change facts.

Her but I think herself would work, too.

He and Matt Damon should take a class together.

Aaron Sorkin is genuinely the worst kind of liberal; he is so insistent that both he, and his fellow travelers, are neutral and color-blind that he repeatedly marginalizes women and minorities in an attempt to keep pretending that he’s the good guy and it’s those other guys that are the bad ones. Because if you keep

I think it was Peter Hitchens.

I am over here ‘in the colonies’. I like him as an actor, but I find him utterly obnoxious as a person.

I feel like I’m the only person in the UK who feels like this, but I cannot stand Stephen Fry.

Maybe not emojis, but some images still throw great shade...

Kremlin Clan (Klan?) She is a goddess! Thanks for posting. ☁️

Excellent choices, all.

Chris Murphy.