
Oh, Geez. Why can’t these danged white supremacists stab each other? They certainly argue a lot, as we saw during the Malheur occupation. It’s not too much to ask them to escalate just a wee bit, is it?

I’m sorry that tweet is hilarious.

Surely you considered this alternate headline: THIS IS NOT A HEADLINE THAT WILL MAKE PATTI LUPONE HAPPI

Reading that article sickens me. Her uttter lack of awareness about Angola and dos Santos while posting all those selfies.

I don’t think Nicki’s ever had an actual #1. Maybe that song with the Weeknd I think.

“She didn’t have streams. Just sales and radio play.”

Which comes to my final point: this whole debate plays right into the hands of the binary, which I thought we were supposed to be moving away from. If we are to accept that there is a whole spectrum of genders and sexualities, the whole question “are trans-women women?” becomes moot.

But, just as I cringe when a white gay man tries to act as though he understands what I go through dealing with racism in the mainstream gay community, I would think that trans-women would own their difference.

Count me in!

“...any number of different ways, and microwaves that turn into cameras, et cetera,” Conway said. “We know that this is just a fact of modern life.

Oooh, some people at the DNC said they didn’t like Bernie, in May 2016 after the primaries were essentially over. Some crime. Assange is a fucking hypocrite doing Putin’s bidding. When Wikileaks started, he said he planned to expose the Russian government too. Crickets.

Okay, we’re not friends. Presto! Like magic.


Oh please, it was yet another sad white dude role. There was nothing groundbreaking about the subject matter of the film. It was Oscar bait that will be forgotten.

When someone brings up PC-culture as a refutation, it’s always the final square of Asshole Bingo. His refutation points more to the fact that he’s totes okay with Affleck because he doesn’t see anything wrong with behaving like Affleck, than to whatever point he was trying to make (we’re all so mean? I dunno).

I still can’t stop being severely distracted by Charlize’s ill-advised pony tail. It hurts my eyes.

I was thinking this the whole time!

But they are all lies and Fake News so what makes them think it’s coming from someone inside? Can’t anyone make up lies?

I’m Team No One on this whole beef. I liked Conceited and Lean Back when I was in high school (which was actually the last time I really actively enjoyed hip-hop) and Nicki had a few great songs/verses in the beginning of her career. But, I don’t see either of them as the “queen.”