
She can fuck off and take Susan Saranden with her.

Things you knew you were going to get with Hillary: Equal rights, respect, the protection of the government. Quelle horreur.

I love that she thought her support of Trump would somehow sway the LGBTQ community to rally behind him, and how she now thinks her disapproval for Trump’s conduct would cause Trump to change course.

Good stuff:

Leo, is that you?

Bill Maher can eat a fucking bag of rotten buttholes. Fuck that clown.

I just checked on my brother, who lives in Stockholm. He says he was lucky to have escaped.

I hate her because she tried to blame a black man for her drugged erratic driving, so her career can forever die in a dumpster fire as far as I’m concerned. May she never prosper, because that makes her trash. Plus, she’s given all sorts of chances, and I’m always like, “Why?” She’s no major talent whose artistry the

Ariel is also a teenager, which Ms Lohan has not been able to play convincingly since Mean Girls. I’m not sure her smoker’s voice is going to be a real draw, either.

If HBO wanted to keep younger veiwers with this kind of format they should give Larry a show and dump Bill who is getting long in the tooth

Yep. Poow wittwe Miwo got skewered.

Bill Maher refuses to let anyone from BLM on his show but invites MY because he supports ‘free speech’. Bill Maher has been racist and sexist forever but no one blinks an eye or really cares cause he’s a ‘liberal’ white man.

It kills me that Larry lost his show and Bill will probably have his until he dies or retries. Television viewers have no taste.

Breaking News: Racist Invites Racist Onto His Television Show.

It’s not like he’d be able to block it with those hands!

I want Mariah to switch gears and start using some of her lower register in a dirty soul/r&b album but that is not the Mariah that Mimi wants to be.

If you don’t think Beyoncé can sing, my apologies for your lack of taste or deafness.

Orange is the New Black did a great job of this with Piscatella. Him being gay has nothing to do with the point of the character. I would even go as far as to say he’s the best gay character in television history, solely due to the fact that he, like most heterosexual and bisexual people, is an asshole. Has there ever

I’ve noticed that every couple of years, there’s a “surprise hit” that just happens to be a comedy with a black cast. At some point, shouldn’t it stop being surprising that people want to see movies that have characters who look like them that aren’t serious historical dramas that are aiming for awards recognition?

Didn’t you know the only people with relationship problems, dysfunctional families, or children that must come of age are white people?