
Led Zeppelin doesn’t have a Grammy let that sink in. Grammys are overrated and at the end of the day what matters is how timeless your music is. I personally didn’t care for Adele nor beyonces album this year, but I am loving Bruno mars news album

With all of these retailers bailing on her you so know The Donald is going to pull a Say Anything below her bedroom window at The White House; his diminutive hands hoisting a boom box above his head that’s playing Father Figure by George Michael.

Would have loved to be a fly on the wall for that conversation between Conway and Ivanka.

Admiral Hopper was a helluva a human being and her accomplishments are even more noteworthy considering they came out a time when she had to fight against people’s prejudice against her gender. Yale should count their lucky stars they are able to count her as an alumna.

lol. Someone must have changed the channel to USA, because I just watched a Burn Notice.

Grace Jones did it best!

shade and burn

No one should ever get as much attention as Steve McQueen. Bullitt was awesome.

Now playing

This is what I was referring to (she was 22 when she recorded it). See if it doesn’t wow you. She still sings it better than anyone, but not with the same - as you perfectly said - acrobatics:

Aretha was passing off significant belting to her background singers as early as 1982 - so she was only around 40! (She has retained -for 35 years- a spot all her own on my list of how good the concerts I’ve seen were. Nobody paid to hear her backup singers do the de rigueur medley of hits!)

*I hope this isn’t offensive coming from a white woman.

I’ll cosign Blanchett over Paltrow because Paltrow is white mediocrity personified. But Cate Blanchett might be the most overrated actress of my generation.

They could’ve hired a black model.

Anti black Latinos always confound me. Like you realize they half your team right? Like Afro Latinos are a significant portion of the Global population. But, ok girl. This is why I also enjoy a good laugh when white Latinos tell people they don’t have race/color issues. 

Third rule in Latino families: leave your wife after she donates her organs to you.

That fucking song is like the ebola of music.

There have been very few artists as talented and beautiful as George Michael. In spite of his decades of drug abuse, he was still so prolific and always a gentleman.

I can’t even climb down a ladder without crying like a baby. Gaga has Superwoman nads.

the thing to note however is Pink was working with silks and Gaga had wires. that’s a different medium. I don’t know much myself but I have friends in circus and they’re just different mediums. wires let you jump into stadiums, silks do not - they let you do amazing spinning acrobatics.