
No, I totally get it.

Yes, and only if they age poorly.

Amen! Preaching to the choir with this one.

FFS. This shithead voted for a guy who SAID he was going to send others back to war torn countries. He campaigned on it. These people deserve no pity. They didn’t think it would extend to them so fuck everybody else, right?

Well....I mean he warned you during the campaign....I suppose they will be the first of his supporters to get screwed in all this.

Irony; arbiter of true justice.

And a little off topic but a story that makes me a little sad but mostly makes me laugh a deep, guttural laugh.

Was big news in the UK too

Ya know, I’ve been rewatching it (thanks Amazon Prime!) and really most of the stories were about her wanting to make her own way, and refusing and rebuffing her father’s and boyfriend’s money and advice. It debuted in 1966 - four years earlier than Mary - so yes it was a little more <<quaint>> around the edges, (she

Bryan: Are you really gonna marry this guy?

Goddamn. Every time I see her I am taken aback by how GORGEOUS that woman is.

I think he’s even more broken up over HRC’s loss than she is. At times, it looked like she was supporting him through the day’s events...

Yes he hurt.

Bill. “Thanks for making so many white people reconsider the KKK that they won’t even vote for a white woman now. THANKS OBAMA.”

He smells his own stinky soul when he sees a better man.

It’s not required but if Bill and Hillary hadn’t shown up they would have been deemed petty, sore losers so it was better for them to just go and try not to vomit. Just like everyone else!

Hey, this is something we are looking into. Would you mind emailing us which town you live in specifically? Email me and Prachi, and Thank you much.

You’re right that Hillary is not gloating and will be well prepared, but the GOP trying to dump Trump at this late date would probably be an even bigger disaster for them than keeping him (which they are pretty much legally obligated to do). It wouldn’t bring their voters out in droves, it would lose them all the

Agreed. If horror is everything she’s ever known and she’d gotten old enough to realize she was the only person who could do anything about it, it seems like she weighed her options and thought, “Well, at least THIS problem won’t come back, even if I’m about to make a whole bunch of new ones.”