
A small detail I know but she also had to wait for him to be asleep to get the gun.

There were rumors Nancy O’Dell left Access Hollywood because she couldn’t bear working with Billy and his frequent tantrums. So I hope at least she wasn’t chummy with him.

Realistically he’s probably buried regardless, but yes, this will bury Trump because he had the temerity to do something to piss off white women, who for whatever reason are dumb enough that they still sometimes vote for the GOP. Trump can say whatever he wants about black people, Latinos, Muslims, gay people—they all

I hope she describes it by saying, “he has the sexual prowess of a tranquilized panda.”

Typical left-wing pinko liberal media bias tactics #101: quote people accurately.

As an Asian person, I’ve seen that same ugly strain of anti-blackness among my fellow Asians. It disgusts me and I’ve done my best to call it out when I see it.

As a Black woman, it always weirds me out when people say things like this, as I experience, see, read, and hear about people being openly racist to people who look like me every day, and know firsthand how strong anti-Black racism is in many Asian communities. This idea that other POC and some white people have that

Happy to see Mariah in form after last year’s disastrous NBC Christmas performance.

Hey, I was All Sanders in the primaries. And Bernie lost. Although I’m completely pissed about the DNC’s interference, the fact is that HRC had enough votes based on her support in the Deep South that she would have won even without the superdelegate votes. Do I think the superdelegate system should be shit-canned?

I have to say I love that a black woman is basically inferring that a white man is angry and crazy. Way to subvertly dismantle the stereotype, Michelle.

I regret that I have but one star to give your comment.

I’m going to miss her so much, and I’m not even American. She’s one of the few bright spots in our news about American politics.

It is utterly unfair to the rest of us poor slobs that Michelle Obama is allowed to be so flawless. Beautiful, smart, classy, married to Barrack, excellent speaker, funny.....


The blonde comes from a bottle. That’s how.

Now that the primaries are over, that video doesn’t seem quite as funny anymore...

This is the saddest Afterschool Special preview I think I’ve ever seen.

Karlie Kloss’ tweet reminds me of Agatha Christie’s The Yellow Iris: as Poirot is being dragged away by Argentine soldiers during a coup, one of his companions yells, “I’ll call the French consulate!”

It’s easy Tim, you just take a role, ANY OLD ROLE, and assign it to a person of color; bc people of color should not exist in media as droll stereotypes for middle america to laugh at while patting themselves on the back for making the bare minimum attempt to be inclusive.

She’s hopelessly devoted to...the story that he fell off a boat and is still missing...