
Yeah, I know both liberals and conservatives that have some ignorant ideas about Aboriginal people in Canada.

We have a pretty good hold on racism. Our police liked to do things like drive natives out of the city limits in the winter to freeze. Civilians like to hurl invective at immigrants sitting in traffic. No sir US, you don’t hold the patent on hate.

You’re really moronic. Do you not understand the difference between individuals being racist, sexist, etc. and a federal party candidate running on a policy of racism and sexism?

I do, too. No society is perfect. But you won’t see it on a national policy scale like you do in the U.S. Our last Prime Minister tried it on a much, much smaller scale and was immediately met with disgust and ridicule and he lost the election.

People who kiss and tell are always trash. Darden is trash.

Our upstairs neighbors are black. Super super nice people. Everytime this...this stuff happens (I can’t even think of a word or phrase to describe it) you can just feel a small barrier go up for a few days. I hate that so much. It makes me so sad, but what can I say in a situation like this? What words would have

Chris Darden is a messy bitch who lives for drama. His personal life is a mess. He was with one woman and had a child with her but to her surprise married another woman who he was also dating throughout most of their relationship. He has been married for almost 2o years but has a two year old child with another woman

Still don’t know what they were thinking when they went ahead with the Aaliyah biopic without her music. I was a child who didn’t know who Tina Turner was, but fell in love with her music after seeing her biopic in theaters in 93 when I was 12. Didn’t know who Selena was, but also fell in love with her music after

Meanwhile, an alleged terrorist actually shoots 2 cops and gets taken alive.

Since it’s Ruthless it’s still probably owned by Tomica (Easy’s widow).

Dre said he had to sign over publishing and his masters when he left Death Row so he probably has little say in the rights. Plus, if she wrote some of the music and kept the publishing rights, she may not have needed his approval.

prob bought the rights from serchlite publishing ;)

Probably doesn’t own publishing. At the same time, maybe he thought it would be better to not be in the news over a fight about music. It wouldn’t change the fact that the story was being told. So, not bringing more attention to it through a fight over music may have been the best option.

My problem with Lady Gaga is that she gets in her own way. I love eccentric, over the top artists, but she just misses the mark so much so often. I think if she took it down to her level 7 or 8 it would still be weird and interesting.

Martha Stewart worked her ass off to become Martha Stewart. Starting with baking muffins, selling them in offices and later opening a catering company. She built an ACTUAL billion dollar empire, not one based off of “how much I feel my business is worth today” Trump accounting. She also didn’t inherit $200MM.

You’re right, I kind of had noticed it but couldn’t put words into it, I remembered GUY being way better than Applause, but had forgotten about Just Dance. Fame Monster is like half an album or something anyway, so it’s in its right to be the exception. I didn’t like Perfect Illusion, but I haven’t lost hope on the

Speaking of Art Pop, I hate myself for saying this but “Do What You Want” is a good jam (WHY DID SHE HAVE TO GET R. KELLY TO DO IT WITH HER WHY)

I think “Perfect Illusion” is being unfairly derided, but that aside your point is 100% accurate. With the exception of “Bad Romance,” none of her lead singles have been the best tracks on their respective albums.

I came here to say all this but you beat me to the punch!

but has so far refused to acknowledge the possibility that racism played a part in what occurred.