
He does a lot of collaborations with artists though - Tabboo for the current collection, Julie Verhoeven for this one. But the aim is always commercial. And again, no excuse for his tone-deafness.

You make a compelling argument. After reading your response (and those of other posters) I see now that Jacobs (and the fashion industry in general) have a greater responsibility to not perpetuate bullshit than I had indicated in my original post.

“funny how you don’t criticize women of color for straightening their hair.”

Oooh hell no they didn’t!! I didn’t see that issue (or blocked it out).

Also, sometimes those of us sitting down are lost in our own little worlds, because we’re reading or listening to a podcast or something, and/or trying to avoid eye contact to avoid having creepy men talk to us, and might not look up and notice someone needs a seat, but would gladly give our’s up if someone asked.

I once offered a woman who I thought was obviously pregnant my seat, but she turned it down. I hope she was actually pregnant.

I thought he sounded a bit afraid of that woman.

Let me explain to you why your workplace is diverse enough, dear.

The Japanese see robots as their saviors.

I seriously hate this production company so much. If they start inserting bullshit drama, I am done.

I love Cher’s twitter so much. Everytime I read one of her tweets, I think of Kathy Griffin’s story about Cher calling her because her assistant was out and she didn’t know how to order pizza so she wanted Kathy to call and order it for her.

I sympathize with Jennifer, but at the same time, there are times when the smart thing to do is to keep your mouth shut. And when you’re the 1% and want to complain that you aren’t the 0.05%, that would be the time.

This thread has been such an education.

Exactly. The dress flows like liquid on Kim and flatters her curves perfectly. I think she looks like an intergalactic goddess mama here. Whereas TayTay looks like she's wearing a silver trash bag.

This whole “Gaga copies Madonna” thing is getting really old. I don’t see any resemblance to Madonna’s work in Just Dance, Poker Face, Paparazzi, Bad Romance, Telephone, Alejandro, The Edge of Glory, Applause or any Gaga song besides Born This Way. Gaga earned her status of pop star on her own right three years before

I’m sorry, but how in the fuck is this a rip-off? The chord progression couldn’t be more different, the tempo, the beats, the instrumental, and her voice in this song are completely unrelated to anything Madonna has ever done.

Huh. Really? I’m no Kim fan but Tay looks exactly like the homeless lady outside my office who digs aluminum foil out of the garbage to patch her spacesuit. Down to the stringy hair and overlined red lips. The dress is baggy and the styling is rough.

You take that back. Tamron Hall has been doing some amazing interviews lately.


The guy is a dick, but they agree on almost zero politically.