
I don’t see how that plays. I’m plenty old and plenty not-rich and while I guess I’ve worked for a company that didn’t represent my views(I think I once, through a series of cut-outs worked for Viacom as a teenager) most of my adult working life has been in the public sector.

It’s not really a question of whether or not she “deserved”this environment. The fact is: you live by the sword, you die by the sword. If you successfully promote evil; you will eventually be affected by the evil you helped to create. Is this reality “deserved” or “fair”? I just do not think it matters how you, me or

I am blaming her. You live by the sword. You die by the sword.

I couldn’t agree with you more. Imagine a latino going to America and lying to the police? Would they get a free pass? Exactly! If you are visiting a country, respect the law, don’t lie to the police. Period.

Or maybe they really just don’t appreciate privileged white Americans falsely accusing its native citizens of crimes because of course the world will think the brown natives are only capable of this.

And then they’ll throw in someone to play Joan Fontaine to feud with her. I dunno, this seems like it could be entertaining but will probably end up playing out badly as a soapy show that promotes the stereotypes of women catfighting whilst taking a steaming dump on the legacy of actresses who had to put up with a lot

Yes. Just the sound of a baby crying can result in the wreckage of a lady’s shirtfront. Ten minutes of leakage while a kid howls is a shitty thing to ask a woman to put up with.

Lol I am a nursing mother and I can vouch for that! I was wearing a nursing top and my baby started crying while I was ordering sushi from a young male waiter at a restaurant a week ago. I was talking to him while trying to manage my struggling nursing and glanced down when I felt a mist. I yelped in embarrassment

That’s “science.” This is “Tennessee.”

But why should a baby have to wait to eat when food is readily available in order to protect the comfort of adults? “Oh god I can’t see a baby eating! How inappropriate!” Really? I just feel a baby’s comfort comes before an adult’s. We are rational creatures. This should be a non-argument.

The baby will just be crying for those ten minutes, nonstop. A baby’s needs and its wants are the same thing. Crying is their only form of communication, and they don’t understand waiting because they don’t understand time. So the baby won't starve, but you can't explain that to him, because he's a baby.

Anyone who can’t learn those simple rules has no business carrying a gun. The end.

Fair. As I was backing out of the driveway to go to college my grandma waved for me to roll down the window and gave me some great advice, “Turn in your work on time. Have fun. Call your mama. And just for this first year, keep your snapper to yourself, if you know what I mean.”

“Fuck your capitalism”—that dolphin

If anything Mitch should be described as Corey’s husband, since the Bears don’t do anything worthwhile these days.

He was in his 30s during the Civil Rights era of the ‘60s. He’s about 10+ years too young to be able to get away with that bullshit “back in my day” crap — which really means: We white guys used to be able to get away with treating everyone else like dogshit and they weren’t allowed to complain about it. Wahwahwah,

Old white man sounds like old white man.

When the space that allows you to think that sort of thinking is permissible, there’s no need to admit that your thinking is faulty. What I think is the bigger issue is that people discount this as some old man yelling about some shit but it really represent a stronger reaction to the progressive movement of the

If you knowingly participate in events that attract speakers who argue that kind of thing, you are complicit. “Disapproving of homosexuality” means actively making harmful laws that target gay people when you are in this asshat’s position. Saying “well, he doesn’t want them murdered, he just doesn’t approve of them”

You know who else has tiny hands and is evil? Are they related?