
The Old Bear made a mistake one time- he told my mother that what she had made that day was not “as good as moms”. She smiled, took his plate and gave it to the dog and told him that if he wanted further meals, he had better get to drivin’ since his mother lived 5 hours away. As for her and the girls, there would be

Why make out with some bloated beer belly Ivy Leaguer when you can spend a year making out with some hot European lotharios while drinking some sangria ??? #winning

Nothing to be ashamed about. :)

God I’ve never been so jealous of an 18 year old in my life. Good for her!

You’re right, thanks!

Trump: The United States’ Fucking Liar.

Thank you. I thought that figure was awefully low. The legal fees alone in this battle will run more than $3M.

Ok thank you!

I guess she can be without him???

I originally read this as “breast grazer.”

off-brand cruella

I am amazed at this woman’s grace and her charm. This was one of those speeches that gripped you and held you and left you forgetting how to breathe for a few minutes .

My dad was a super sweet guy, not really what you would call a fighter. So, we are at a baseball game and the guy behind me is putting his feet in my hair. I am about 16 at the time. After the second or third time I turn around and let this dolt have it and he pretends to apologize. Dad wants to know what the problem

When the adult asked or told him to stop, he shouldn’t have ran his mouth, and the parent should have moved his kid and apologized.

No, I understand that in France they’ve turned him into an Italian skunk.

I show my six-year-old a lot of classic Warner Brothers cartoons and we love them, but I will not show her either Pepe LePew or Speedy Gonzales. Maybe you can excuse them being from a different time, but a child in 2016 has no business watching those.

“He said Dada today, three times!”

Somebody commented on the Paul Ryan intern story something like “most interns are white so what do you expect”.

This happened. #burn

You are familiar, you just aren't aware. I used to think I'd never heard a Nina Simone song until I lissened to her ouvre. The woman is everywhere.