
Don't worry about the programming schedule, there are lots of ways to fill the time.

Papa Knowles would have never let that happen - Kelly knew her place from the jump; that's why she made it this far.

she does bear a resemblance to Donna Summer, though if Kelly's voice were anywhere close to the strength, range, and versatility as Donna's I think she would've had a singing career rivaling if not surpassing Beyonce by now.

Now playing

I'm sorry, but the correct answer was " I Feel Love".

Of course Wrecking Ball isn't about Liam, that would imply that she had something to do with it being written.

Jesus Christ.

I just feel like this whole country is trolling me now. Unarmed black men beaten and killed in the streets and hundreds of racists donate money to the white cop perpetrator while also posting insanely racist messages, meanwhile white folks carry around assault rifles while they're shopping at WalMart completely

Especially since that trip to El Segundo.

I feel like, if you are looking into surrogacy, you should make it clear in the contract before inserting fertilized eggs that you have no interest in raising any potential disabled children, so that the surrogate knows going into it that she might have to abort, keep the disabled child, or give it up for adoption.

Obviously I added the emphasis because that sentence is a perfect embodiment of politiglam pop culture. While I do think that Madonna gets dibs on this gig as she was, you know, relevant in 1989 whereas Lady Gaga was not, where the shit is German post-punk/glam/reggae/Neue Deutsche Welle sensation Nina Hagen? Or

team Gaga, BUT......for a silver anniversary of such an historic event, there's really only

I am far more offended by his shitty music.

for some reason? Its because he's sexist! It's not just limited to republicans you know.

I'm generally not a fan of invoking religion in press interviews, but that was one classy response. Furthermore, whether it's God & Jesus, karma, a guilty conscience or whatever that these people are cheating out by doing so, judging other people and creating controversy to mask how miserable you are with your own

If you're making $7.50/hr at Hobby Lobby, $50 is a lot of money. A lot.

soooo, people should just have unprotected sex and use Plan B every time? $50 per hump adds up pretty fast. and birth control pills are prescribed for all sorts of non-prophylactic purposes, and they can be quite expensive. and IUDs are super pricey. I don't think you've quite thought this through.

I think you're pretty solidly saying you disagree.

Must be nice... in this economic climate many people (including myself) have to choose whoever is willing to employ us to keep a roof over our heads. Not a lot of choice going on for many.

What if I told you that not everyone has the luxury of being selective about who employs them? WHAT THEN.