
Leslie Mann and Judd Apatow took a selfie of themselves both squeezed into a t-shirt. That t-shirt was covered in drawings of Lena Dunham in various stages of undress.

I see shades of Al Jolson in her act

Very easy and simple said. Thank you.

But at the end of the day, aren't they ALL winners?

No, no, no. Not Camels. Camel LIGHTS. It has to be Camel Lights. ;)

Now playing

Sounds like Sue Simmons is still keepin' motherfuckas in check!

If you were interested in being fair, you'd have included the clarification Kelly gave when they came back from commercial—that he was simply impressed by her breasts, and that he planned to masturbate once the segment was over. A perfectly innocent explanation.

On a totally shallow note, Michael Egan should also sue the plastic surgeon who gave him that godawful nose job.

Out of all the offensive things in his original interview, the most purely annoying was his insistence on trying to drag everyone else into his own racist box — insisting that everyone uses the racist and offensive words that he uses, but that he's the only one honest enough to admit it. It's actually kind of

If she gets doxxed a child molester who saw the video might decide to stalk, harass or even physically harm her. That happens to adult women who have their nude photos or sex tapes distributed. That's sickening enough. Having it happen to a minor is even sicker. These guys deserve whatever they get.

The odds are on their sides. The girl gets slut shamed. They get, "boys will be boys."

You're probably wasting your time. There are a couple snowflakes around here who just HAVE to be different.

No apology for us n-words?

Pandering? The man who just did an HTC commercial? Nevah!

No apology for us n-words? Oh.

I have an enormous personal affinity for the Jewish people in general, and those specifically in my life. The Jewish People, persecuted thorough the ages, are the first to hear God's voice, and surely are the chosen people.

He's just rolling with it

I wheel allow it.