
Any GOP presidential candidate is facing a real f-ing steep climb from the minute they get the nomination. There are about 15 states that have gone Dem in every presidential election after 1984 (the year of Reagan's 49-state landslide victory). Those states have 242 electoral votes between them, meaning that the Dems

On one hand I admire prioritizing the issue of sexual assault in conflict zones. Its a major historical problem that has affected millions over the years.

This woman has done a tremendous amount of activist work regarding international human rights and refugees, and you want to silence her for something she did 14 years ago? Ok.

Holy smokes, Why can't every famous person use their powers for good like this? Bless her lovely heart

LOL. Clinton was against attacking her opponent?? Really? She sure had no hesitation attacking Obama when she was trying to secure the nomination. In fact, "60 Minutes" did an investigation and found tons of instances where their team went after him but could find nothing where Obama's team attacked her. That was when

The Clintons didn't come out rosy in that campaign either, their inability to treat Black voters intelligently led to Clinton losing a lot of African American support.

I always try to take into account that the candidates really are just along for the ride when it comes to campaign strategies. I noticed that Clinton said "the Obama campaign contacted [her]" not Obama himself.

so Hillary's racism in the same campaign was okay?

The nicest compliment that I've ever gotten came from a queen at a drag show. She told me that I looked like a cross between Sheryl Lee Ralph and Audra McDonald. I fucking floated away.

Seventh Tony Award upcoming for Awesome Shoulders. Seriously - keep showing off those guns, Audra. (I shouted when she won her award last night, and my spouse, who seems to hate anything with music or the theater, stood up for her...for Private Practice. Go figure.)

Rawls always makes me think of this:

Now playing

I'd have to say the little goat remix is better...

Oh, she dances.

OK…I never comment on Jezebel. But I just want to say that I am now Bobbie Gentry's biggest fan. I just spent all afternoon scouring youtube obsessively for her music and am now learning "Ode to Billie Joe" on my guitar like right this moment. They stopped making country music like this! Something this epic and dark

Is this him??? What a stud!

I needed to verify that someone had pointed this out. The original is much better.

I'm less than half her age and at no point in my life have I looked half this good. Fuck you, Genetics-Discipline Complex.

These people all look like they're going to different parties. I see fancy brunch, prom, graduation, Oscars, and quinceanera.