
say what?! reba's wasn't the original?

Always a mistake.

I'm all for inclusiveness, and glad they're showing support for equality. However, given that Lucky Charms (and many of its consumers) predate the rainbow flag by more than a decade, it seems a somewhat wishful stretch to theorize that the colors of the cereal bits were originally associated with the LGBT symbols &

This is a weekly event in some of our inner cities, and nobody gives a shit, Gawker never reports on it. Why are these shootings so special, oh I know, to give the self righteous liberals that are the majority on this site something to write about and make them feel good about themselves.

If you would actually read the article referenced, it starts with : "First lady Michelle Obama will add her voice to those honoring Maya Angelou...." - which implies that SEVERAL people will speak. No offense but perhaps you should read fully before commenting.

You just know someone is going to try and make this into a horrible thing.

Blech. It kills me to no end that people with this much money choose to fill their homes with fucking beige furniture and subdued-hue walls. YOU CAN LITERALLY AFFORD TO DECORATE ANY WAY YOU WANT. HAVE SOME SELF RESPECT AND CHINTZ IT UP, FOR FUCK'S SAKE.

She's like Avedon or David Bailey. She's an honest craftsman with a style that works, commercially. All styles eventually age out of relevance, but that's just the nature of the beast.

...for taking pictures of people... jesus. I can't even pay off my law school loans working 80+ hour work weeks. Not amused.

The issue is when that standard is solely built around the idea that women are the ones who must be responsible for covering themselves because they create a problem for the men who see them.

Perhaps he was a prince turned into a fox for his lack of class. So now he steals shoes and brings them to this woman because as far as he knows women love shoes and he's trying to make her fall in love with him so he can be a prince again.

Well in fairness to her, it would explain a lot about Putin.

What if the principal likes mariachi, and this was not a senior prank, but a señor gift?

Kinda reminds me of what I did in college.

Lovely post! As a writer, most of my main characters are either black women or gay men. Mostly. I am so tired of hearing the story of the everyday man, like Rick Grimes. I need something new, a different perspective.

the graduating class before mine did a safe, funny and endearing prank:

This is kind of thing I hear about in Fandom, that just plain mystifies me. Its possible that since I am, Male, Straight and White, I'm just missing a personal observation of such attacks. I've also never witnessed a "Fake-Geek-Girl" shaming either.

During the month or so that it took SFWA to figure out what it wanted to do with this guy, a SFWA officer sat on the formal complaint I'd submitted because she thought I had "sent it in anger" and that I might not be aware of the consequences of sending something like that to the Board.

Why is it that every time somebody points out an obvious injustice, there's a dozen cries for "civility?" Why is being "civil" more important than not being a racist, sexist ass?