
Violence is never the answer? Good god Jezebel writers are unbearable.

I think threats of violence are completely appropriate in this circumstance. There was no time for structural education and he couldn't have just said that what the molesters were doing was wrong, because the molesters don't give a crap. Being threatened is much more convincing.

Rihanna appeared to be naked except for high heels

Another advertisement telling women we are empowering ourselves by being naked and sexualized... UGH!

Right? Looks like a pair of high waisted panties/booty shorts, to me. She may be topless but she is definitely not naked.

To be fair, that is one of the ASA's most complained about adverts ever- I think they received over 900 complaints from members of the public. And the ASA actually banned a YSL perfume advert from being broadcast on TV in 2011. I'd say the difference is not so much in what people find offensive but in how much the

The worst thing about this ad? It's selling mutual funds.

This looks less sexy and more like Rihanna is a bratty child who has been having a tantrum and has been put in a small room for a time out, and is childishly kicking the perfume bottle out of rage.

Honestly, it just looks like she's cold. Put some pants on, Rihanna. You can still be edgy in a nice sweater.

"Because of this, and the fact that Rihanna appeared to be naked except for high heels,"

To me, this look is less "giving zero fucks" and more "Holy fuck, I am so fucking stoned."

i bet it smells like blunts and hairy ballsack sweat .

it's a shame her escort ruined it by making sure everyone knew he was staring right at her ass. COME ON DUDE.

I will point out that the current Daily Show/Colbert Report lineup does have some diversity — Stewart is Jewish, and we were still a minority ourselves last time I checked, albeit one that gets to pass as "normal" until someone brings out the bagels and shmear. ;)

True, but Colbert was playing a character.

This would maybe make more sense for something that's longer than 20 minutes per show, but it's 20 minutes per show. They'll introduce a topic, everyone will get to say one or two things max, then it's over. Seems pointless.

Sounds like Bill Maher? Blergh.

Yes, as a Mexican woman I am definitely represented... *side eye*. My point is that Marianne, aside from being black, was also white, she had a choice in who she wanted to be portrayed by. She wanted Angelina. Why make an argument with the actual source.

Any gifts given to a sitting President and/or First Lady above a certain dollar amount (something very low, like $50) become property of the U.S. government. A lot of these items become part of the president's presidential library collection and archives. As for the borrowing, I think it is as Bears said, the concern