
Right! Like Tom and Katie, lest we forget.

I REALLY feel like that the friend of the first LW needs some serious calling out. On what planet is it acceptable to brag about your rich husband and then solicit donations for a child who already has a rich dad? How is it ok to even ask for money for a baby shower? That's a gross violation of etiquette. That lady is

This. Although I have no doubt they will legitimate the vows at some point so that the divorce (which will come at the exact moment Keeping Up with The Kardashians is getting ready to be cancelled) can be drawn out and as public as possible.

1.You will be a goddess in whichever sari you choose.

I don't currently own any western formal dresses. I have been invited to a White People wedding tomorrow. I haven't been to a White People wedding since I was 17 and I have two questions:

Her lips look like she's in the early stages of anaphylaxis. And also like if you poked them with a pin they'd just explode.

Don't "suffer injustice". I believe I have posted this here before but if not, here goes the Cliff Notes version:

Right? I think she looked like the priestess for a space alien cult.

I agree. Plus, even when she's wearing minimal make-up — especially around the eyes — she looks so much softer. (That last Instagram pic is downright scary, in terms of hard-lookingness).

Seriously! I think the paparazzi shots of her without makeup look 100x better.

I was thinking more, "take me to your leader," but I totes agree with you.

That's what I can't get over, too. She's had a waxen look for quite some time now but it looks like she's gone way too far in terms of fiddlng with her face.

I bet that's what she wanted. The whole wedding seems to be a convention of airbrushed plastic doll women and (compared to the women) surprisingly ugly men.

Kanye always looks so happy and relaxed. Dude knows how to have a good time.

Grifter convention. Rachel Roy and Kim K., the people who said prostitution will get you nowhere were dead wrong in their case.

She looks like a drag queen in the last picture.

Don't worry man, they're doing a Harlem Shake video next month.


I thought you just didn't like it because it was about gay people. Sorry. I liked the material, but you are right, the execution wasn't great.

She's in that new cheating man ladies gang up on him movie with Cameron Diaz & whatsherface. So, I mean, she is probably terrible in it, but she is def interested in acting.