
Nicki is in a new movie with Cameron Diaz FYI haha

Yes to this.

Going to go out on a limb here... I'm betting that young people who are sitting around watching the Price is Right and tweeting about it in the middle of the day are LOW on the list of people the Prez gives a shit about at the moment.

Am I the only person who thinks Rihanna is weirdly gross-looking? Her face is kind of pretty, but then you see her whole self and she looks like she's strung out on drugs and always needs a bath. I'm really glad she took one in her "Stay" video, but it didn't seem to make her look any cleaner at all.

"She's got nannies and whatnot.|

I think she loves doing humanitarian work; it's clear it fulfills her in a way that simply making movies alone does not. Audrey Hepburn was similar. Women like this are so rare and so awesome/

Between his dickheadedness and that fucking horseshoe pube mustache, I'm surprised his chin isn't a ballsack.

Excellent point. Dylan Moran, one of my favorite cantankerous Irish comedians, has an "I'm getting old" rant where he pines for when talent used to be a priority in pop music, hence Nina Simone, Janis Joplin, etc. ... and current pop singers have body parts that are more famous than they are. Or something. He said

The title made me think the bear and the moose ganged up to attack one woman and afterward, they highfived each other

I actually am surprised whenever I come across a really skinny opera singer, for the precise reason Katie Lowe pointed out in her rebuttal. It worries me that talented but larger female singers (because it's never male!) might be pushed out for less powerful but more 'aesthetically pleasing' (skinny) singers. The vast

And this is why my Black ass doesn't venture into nature all that often. And do people not realize how FUCKING HUGE moose tend to be? Like, they are (sometimes) taller than Shaq, y'all. And do y'all NOT see what the fuck is on top of their heads?!?!!? Those are not some fucking pool noodles. Those are antlers. BIG

Ignore their cute little eyes and smiles

the hell? aside from the fact that it's her job to sing, not star in a Sports Illustrated bakini issue—this lady is gorgeous! If I could get a boner, I'd have one

I was really hoping the moose and bear teamed up to attack. Not even sorry about it.

Odds are that no matter where they work they're going to have to be big boys and girls and dress according to a dress code. That's just life.

Yes, because getting kids to learn how to live with a dress code is, like, so stifling.

Exactly. Having mothers be with their kids 24/7 is exactly why we have helicopter parents. She's allowed me to do my own thing and that's been vastly different from her thing. And it worked out for the best, I think.

I agree. My mother was a single mother and she had a very extensive support system that helped raise me. I have so many "Aunts" and "Uncles" because of this, many of whom still continue to support me in small ways at 25. My mother worked nights and I remember my grandmother, who bartended for a while, sitting at the

This is from the paper that gave us this gem of a cover.... No wonder Jeremy Lin fled to the accepting oasis of Texas.