
Starred just because I do love to see an American using "gobsmacked". (You're American, right?)

Don't Owls eat cats?

The World Cup shouldn't have been given to Brazil anyway. The stadium builds has been insanely dangerous and many workmen have died needlessly. Some of the areas they're building in were razed so they could have the land, displacing a large amount of poor people. There are reports of a lot of bribery and

I was once fired from a cashier job for never having a discrepancy on my cash count. They said I _MUST_ have been stealing.

Wish I had a copy of the epic email I got fired with back in 2002. Company had been using our soda machine to fund the company picnic all year (scam) and they wouldn't let me bring my new puppy to the picnic.

My mother is really into Rocky Horror, and one holiday played it in the car all the way to the destination, when my sister and I were too young to really get most of it. Anyway, fast forward to the first day back at school, and my mother received a complaint. My 6 year old sister had somehow memorised the lyrics and

This is like the only post ever where this would be an appropriate comment.

It looks like a retirement home from the set of golden girls.. I'd live there.

It IS very early-nineties "country" decor, isn't it? I expected to see a cookie jar shaped like a goose or a bench with heart cutouts or something.

Fridge in the bedroom?

oh a dorm.

Not a Kardashian fan, but good for them. Joan Rivers is a plastIcized ghoul, who has become more mean spirited as parts of her are replaced via plastic surgery.

Joan Rivers getting moved tickles me. It's like the elder, seemingly more powerful celebrity comes to the realization that their star is fading. Room is being made for the new money and she no longer commands the room. Kim's on the come up, so get in line.

Me, too. And I'm sort of getting this "In your face, Joan Rivers!" glee out of it, because Kim has enough pull to have HER moved, rather than having to move, herself. Joan spends so much time trying to tear other people down that it's kind of nice to see someone she obviously thinks she's sooooo much better than

And I'm no friend to children, but that's just in terrible taste. It's downright embarrassing.

That makes me like Kim Kardashian a little bit.

For me, casting Saldana is worse than not doing the movie at all. There is a clear message here: Upholding the laws of colorism is more important than telling this woman's story with any accuracy. This woman was too dark and too African-looking in life for some people, and she is still too dark and too

Jackie Robinson wasn't a fringe talent. He was an MVP-caliber player.

You think Denzel Washington can't act? Brad Pitt? Wow. I think Nicole Kidman is actually a great actress, but I can see she would not be to some people's taste. But I fail to understand the Denzel comment.

At this point in her life and career, everything Nicole Kidman does is interesting to me.

Sounds like he belongs in the small pool of people that use Twitter for the betterment of mankind. It's sad that I can almost be sure that Rihanna has more followers than John Darnielle :(