
"Damn kid leave me alone! I should've let the dog take you."

Wha? Calling what Bey did domestic violence is beyond ridiculous. I'm not a big fan, but there was a body guard there; a person who is trained and paid to intervene. The situation was under control.

So basically, ABC gave Shonda the keys to Thursday night?

I love Viola Davis. I'm all about this.

This woman is responsible for one of my favorite quotes:

Lol! I figured it was probably just a mistake but then I thought maybe you were claiming something like "reverse racism" and I thought I should clarify.

tittoos, if you will

As much as I love the content of Adam Levine's tweet, I don't like his grammatical error. Yup, I went there.

James Woods can eat a dick.

Ugh. This is still too complicated for my tiny female brain. Just show me some lolcats.

My mom just told me a story about our longtime hairdresser - she and her husband are both self-employed and have never had health insurance, but he was getting ill and the doctor told him to sign up ASAP because he was worried it might be prostate cancer. They signed up for private insurance and were told not to

Well that was fucking insulting. Also LOL @ "women process information differently from men". What a vague fucking statement that is. I wonder if she could explain to me exactly how men and women process information differently? Or maybe she's just a science illiterate talking out of her ass.

Facts make my uterus wander.

Facts, you say? Facts are overrated. They mean nothing

I LOVE Jessica Williams and totally agree. I hope there is someone at CCentral watching her career very carefully and helping her get as much writing experience and on-camera time as possible.

then have fun dealing with BS that you have no hand in creating, I prefer choosing between the BS because I know Republican BS is 100% worse than Democrat BS at least on a national level (the BS blends on the local level). Your point view would be more valid, if we lived in a country with a proper third party system,

It really makes zero sense to me that Monica lewinsky was blamed. Even if you ignore the immense power differential, she wasn't the one that was married! She's not the one that took wedding vows! Whoever is breaking a marriage agreement is the one to be blamed in any consensual affair IMO. She had no responsibility to

Probably only going to vote for Hilary because the republican party sucks, Hillary is my Romney's choice.

Clearly Monica, a intern in her young 20s, was a predator against literally the most powerful man in the world. Isn't he the real victim here?

I. Love. It All.