
Well, of course Wintour didn't completely approve of that outfit. You forgot to tell her about the terry cloth slippers and mismatched tube socks. Geesh.

I sent Anna Wintour a picture of me wearing my sweatpants and a Dog the Bounty Hunter t-shirt I got on sale at a Family Dollar store and asked her if it was cool if I went tonight. She told me I could wear the outfit at the Met Gala, but only if I agreed to sit with Giuliana Rancic. I turned her down.

Can you say "desperate for attention?"

John the Baptist cried out in the wilderness and people went out to listen to him. This guy cried out in the middle of the town square and everyone left. I don't know about you, but I'd say that's a clear hint from God.


I know right. Basketball players don't practice and train and beat out 1000s of other players, they are bred the best Bucks. Hilarious.

Many? Pft. It completely sucks ass. Who actually sits down and watches SNL? Nevermind, this episode averaged a 2.0, so no one. How is it on the air? I guess the uber conceited people of NYC would picket if it got shitcanned.

And don't forget she went full "Tyler Perry Meet the Browns" to make those jokes. It also did A LOT to reinforce the idea that Lupita is joke an anomaly. All they needed was a kyron running below that said "c'mon...this is how they REALLY are..right America?"

It's too late. White people LOVE this kind of Black image. And trust me, it's ALL you'll see of her. She's on Twitter all angry talking about how "Black men don't F with me". And how "Black people need to wake up"...She made every Republican in my office happy with that skit. It's who they wish every Black women in

You just pinged on why I stopped watching SNL and never liked Kids in the Hall.

worse off how? Is she just supposed to smile and take it while they bully her? Props to her for her safe revenge prank. They're all stupid to have believed she actually put what she said she put in it. (Where's the hair? Where does a girl get enough semen without an accomplice?)

I'm sorry you ate a shit cupcake.

If you're going to fuck up your bullies you need to learn that discretion is your friend. There's no need to show the whole world that you're the one who did it. Keep that to yourself and savor the results of public humiliation.

Carrie was literally the first thing I thought of when I read this.

duh, why wouldn't it be? Fuck bullies.

I'm probably going to get flamed to hell for saying it but: What the hell do you expect? She doesn't know Mia, and she has known Woody long enough to consider him a friend, and feels some iota of loyalty to him. She is defending her friend who she thinks is innocent: so what? If you thought your friend was innocent of

I want to hate Diane Keaton and I just can't. I get where she's coming from. She's known Woody for what? 40 years or something? That's a long time. Sorry. Don't yell at me.

Why shouldn't she believe her friend? I'm not saying that I side with Woody Allen. I'm saying she's eloquently explained that she knows Woody and not Mia. Is it really so surprising that she believes his account of the accusations?

If you tell someone to kill themselves, you're an asshole.

Well, now I have to like Kyra Sedgwick. Any friend of Craig's and all...