
Ooooh! Charlize Theron!

I love love love that it's Clooney who is marrying *up*. After 20+ years of gorgeous dopey girlfriends (to be fair, nobody ever asked them anything besides "who are you wearing?"), he's found himself a smart, accomplished and just happens to look like a model lawyer!

Actually Diaz gets an unfair amount of hate but Charlize doesnt so much I guess because she was with that one guy for so long. I def consider Diaz his equivalent tho and not Aniston. Love all of them tho.

The "sad and alone" tag mostly exists because she was married to Brad Pitt. Anyone who was married to Brad Pitt had to have been 1) dumped by him and 2) forever heartbroken over it. There was really nothing she could do - date, not date, talk about her love life, not talk about her love life - that people wouldn't

Her money is the better option, obviously. That troll just be trollin'.

Ah, to be a man in our modern society. To buy and sell vagina life support systems (that's what you call women, right?) and frequently get away with it because, "biologically driven sex drive". And they call *us* the one's completely controlled by our hormones...

No, you're just severely out of touch. And getting your ass handed to you up and down in the comments but you're still just so pissed that other people have money that you're insisting that you're right despite all evidence to the contrary. $100,000 doesn't go very far when you have a mortgage to pay and children to

This is an unusual divorce. Generally a woman's standard of living to not plummets compared to her husbands after a divorce. But in this case he had to pay her more than a publisher would for her memoir — definitely seven figures. Who wouldn't love to read about what a douche he was and how betrayed....

What is with your obsession with condos? There are other forms of homeownership.

You are seriously out of touch with the price of real estate in Vancouver.

Here is a fancy condo in chicago. Only a 2bed, 1500 sq ft.

reality tv doesn't pay as much, and she'd have to work for it. I'd rather take the money and run than waste my time and energy on public revenge and anyway, the best revenge is living well, especially if it's at the expense of your scumbag ex.

Where do you get the idea that you should dictate how anyone but you runs his/her life?

I'd help you shut up for a cut!

Pound sand? How's law school treating you?

Oh my. No. Definitely not. Not even close.

HAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAH No, at 100,000K a year, you CANNOT afford a "fancy condo in some big city".

Actually, it seems like she is being paid specifically not to reveal some information that would either make her ex subject to criminal prosecution or derail his career entirely. I'm guessing the payoff has more to do with his penis than her vagina.

for 7.5 million and 240,000 a year, I'd let my ex fuck all the hookers he wants and shut up about it too.