
I agree, but if I had a face and body like that and someone was willing to pay me millions to basically, well, be me, then you can bet I'd do it without a second thought.

I kind of agree with you. There are well-documented mentorship and inclusion gaps for people who basically aren't white males.

So, they shouldn't even bother to rectify this historical problem? Also, this list looks like suggested starting points for those who want to help, not the firm "making white employees talk to POC." A problem with POC moving up through the corporate world is a lack of connections/networking due to historically having

But the subject of the memo is specifically how to help with the firm's diversity initiative. Who else would you reach out to in order to do that other than the diverse hires?

I'm sure there's a coherent statement in there somewhere...I'm just not seeing it

I know, right? When I saw that I thought "Come on, that's just lazy."

While I am totally disgusted by what mohammed32 is saying about homosexuality and pedophilia, I have to point out that you are wrong. I'm not Muslim but I did study it for a year...Mohammad did have wives that were children at the time they married, but he treated them as daughters, NOT as wives when they were

I am gay and I am certainly not into boys that are under legal age, thanks. Fuck you, you homophobic pig, for even trying perpetuate that age-old bullshit. What, are some seemingly straight men into underaged girls? Seems so. A sex offender is a sex offender NO MATTER the sexuality. You are disgusting and should be

It just happened with Snow White right? There was the Julia Roberts one and then something else. But they both circled around the evil queen.

Yea, I've got the male priv also.

I believe that was even an "Oprah's Book Club" selection.

I'll have to give it a read. I'm mixed and have a complexion just a bit lighter than The Rock's but I used to look in the mirror and wonder if I was too dark until I finally became aware of just how shitty that was. I hate that I benefit from some of the privilege that being lighter gives, it makes me feel guilty.

There isn't a dark black person in America that hasn't wished that. Especially seeing how much better mixed race and lighter skinned folk get treated and respected on account of the lighter skin.

YES. This was my first thought. I'll join in on the headdesking.

"You want a ticket that represents men and women."

No one else stood a chance.

This woman has an amazing agent. That's not to take anything away from Lupita, who is gorgeous beyond belief and so talented, but these People covers and the type of exposure she is getting don't just happen. She has a great team; I'm impressed.

Yay for her! :) It's great to see more POC women being represented in the fashion/celebrity world.

I agree with you in that I love any chance I get to dress up or wear formal wear, but in the grand scheme of things, Prom isn't really that big of a deal (although I went all 4 years of high school, so maybe it lost some of it's specialness). Even though I love dressing up, I'd never care if someone else wasn't and I