
I can feel some sympathy for her for wanting to wear pants, but she went with jeans. Red or not, male or female, you don't wear jeans to prom! A line must be drawn. Again, to clarify: pants are okay, jeans are not.

Agreed. One of the most important aspects of public policy is its ability to shape norms.

Wouldn't it make financial sense for Oprah to retain title on the house? She'd pay all the taxes instead of her father. I'm guessing it's not the sort of house a failed barber shop owner could normally afford.

Honestly depending on your tone (in my head she did it in a sing-song manner) "Negroes in the house" is possibly the most welcoming, jovial greeting ever...

But others, how can I put it... some people you can't take the ghetto out of'

Someone has to be first. The same questions were asked of the first black children to attend integrated schools

Now playing

We had a book when I was a child about how to test your cat's IQ. We had multiple cats, and it was interesting to do with them. Honey Badger, on the other hand, don't care. AND is very smart, too.

Or don't be so fucking rude and insulting that it makes someone take down your personal information for revenge. That's an option too.

I really enjoyed this Slate piece on the treatment that both Kim Novak and Liza got at the Oscars. The part that got me was the use of the "she should grow old GRACEFULLY like so-and-so" regarding Novak, as I saw that a lot on my Facebook feed during the Oscars. When people say that, they are typically referring to

I really dont want to but I have to star your comment. Kris is a horrible woman but I gotta hand it to her, woman is a powerhouse

I wonder if he goes to the same doctor, or did he have to Shop Around?

Someone needs to tell these student athletes that they aren't paid to think.

I've taken a few carpentry classes in my time, and when I saw "buying lumber without using math" I started laughing and pretty soon I laughed so hard I blacked out and when I came to the saw was warm and there's a bookcase where there wasn't one before. I'm still not sure what happened, but I know NO MATH WAS DONE

When I see a man drinking bourbon, I think—did this dude steal my bourbon?

If someone described this dress to me, I'm sure I would think WTF, but she looks amazing.

I. What. Wow. I don't even need to look at the rest of this post to decide best dressed.

These shoes are PERFECT with that dress. Everything about this look is flawless.

I freakin' LOVE this dress. It's like an art project.

Good call. Lagerfeld is an extravagant douchnozzle, but that paint daub collection was lovely, and she is killing it. I love the glasses too, like she is just too cool for school. Or she has pink eye. And then watch out, conjunctivitis will be *the* hot look for Summer 2014.

Every tiem I see a photo of her I actually slightly gasp. She is stunning and that dress is amazing on her