
Lupita looks all "meh, this fucking guy again."

I'm sorry this happened to this woman, but as anyone who lives in a small town in bear country knows, DON'T leave delicious smelling garbage out when you live in a small town in bear country!!! Anything food related or that has come into contact with food should stay INSIDE until as close to garbage pickup as possible.

Having lived in Florida all my life, one of my biggest fears is one day ending up in the news as a "Florida Woman."

I have it under control, I'd bring my cat along to talk to Amy.

I want to go but bring my own food and just order a soda.

They get the pastries elsewhere and pass them off as their own.

i just finished watching it and i don't even know what i was expecting.

This is such a big deal. For a black woman — a dark-skinned woman — to get a BEAUTY campaign. Very exciting.

Nope. I wish none of them would replace Letterman. I wish no one would. Sorry. I like the guy. :(

My grandmother moved from her small hometown in Northern MN to Detroit during WWII and got a job in a tank factory. Being a little bitty thing, she inspected the tanks. She said the men would get so angry when she had to reject one, but she'd be damned if she would send her brother, who was off fighting, shoddy


I don't what his Q score is but I'm going with Bill Moyers as most likeable. And one of the best.

Jesus Christ Scott Pelley!!! WTF?

Surprising that Ann Curry was more liked than Maddow, no?

I would like to know why they passed on the band name, "Triple Threat." Was it just too obvious?

100% agree. My mind was blown when either Gawker or Jezebel (I can't remember which) released photographs of their family before they came into reality TV. They were cleaned up in collared shirts and looked like typical upper-class people.
I'm still pissed off at myself for not realizing this was a publicity stunt the

First thing I thought of myself. On a side note, I wonder what their ratings would be if they kept their "Country Club" look that they had BEFORE the show (seriously look it up, they look like every pretentious country club snob you see in the movies.) Something tells me not nearly as high.

That's the first thing I thought of when I saw this story.

I think that sums it up for me.