
When I was a journo, there would often be freebies given at press launches that I would never want - and that I'd pass on to friends and family. I wouldn't wear a ladies' Piaget watch, but my Moms would hurt me if they were giving them out for free and i didn't snap one up for her...

Maroon 5 tried for Stevie Wonder, but ended up sounding like warmed-over Leo Sayer...

I'd star you more if I could for your wisdom....

It doesn't have to be a direct swap. Introduce and enact laws that make diffusion of sexually explicit or nude images of someone without his/her permission a serious crime BEFORE you eradicate the current problematic laws. If you eradicate the current problematic laws first, there's less incentive to enact laws that

Replace this law with a strong enough law to deter people from taping others without their knowledge, and I would be with you.

At least she's not SASSY.

Divas of a certain age are having problems selling records: teens are the ones buying singles, and they're not buying the ones made by singers they identify as ones their parents.are fans of. That's why Beyonce toured constantly in the lead-up to the surprise release of her album and forced people to buy the whole

"Last round of allegations against him turned out to be fake"? I thought there was only one fake allegation: from the British model with the fake FB quid pro quo. Were there others?

My pleasure...

Even "as a fan", I don't get upset enough to destroy stuff...and I don't feel elated when "my team" wins. It would be like me feeling proud when my favorite singer hits a high note: the joy I feel is from what the singer did...and it had nothing to do with me.

To be fair, the Canucks players lost the game...not the rioting Canucks fans.

Can she still dance? I hear knee issues had hobbled her from doing it as well as she used to. (Her latest videos show her mostly striking poses)

You make it sound as though a soul or R&B singer is actually "getting away with something" by actually being able to hold the audience's attention with his/her voice and music instead of having twenty dancers, fifteen costume changes and light shows to help. "But pop singers kind of have to sing?" Patti Labelle, Chaka

Not enough stars for you. You deserve more, dear Sassy...

Actually, Madeleine Davies, Harrington's pretty cool for dismissing the class system and Downton Abbey ESPECIALLY because he's benefited from the system. It would be easier for someone who never benefited from it to say it's rubbish that nostalgic for it...

People's marriages are their business, not mine. I have dealings with people everyday and I don't know whether they cheat on their spouses or not. I spend more time working on my own relationship than worrying about someone else's.

So if a spouse cheats, everyone should head for divorce immediately? If I remember correctly, the marriage vows read "for better or worse". The only people who can destroy a marriage are either (or both) of the people in it.

My point is that people are far from perfect, and some make serious mistakes. But one bad act (where no one dies) does not condemn someone to forever being a "shitty human being". You're being very Old Testament here.

LeAnn was responsible for her relationship with her own husband, not for Eddie's relationship with Brandi. Eddie was responsible for that. Whatever you think of her scruples, the only person who wrecked Eddie's home with Brando was Eddie.