
I know.

Very well: LeAnn wrecked her own home. But she didn't wreck Eddie's: that was Eddie's doing.

The term "home wrecker" should be retired for the outside person sleeping with a married person: no outside person makes a spouse cheat. If a spouse is committed, he/she cannot be "stolen"...

I agree with you that we should practice what we preach...perhaps we should use summits like these to highlight human rights abuses at home as well...

What independent would vote for a candidate who wants to take away a woman's right over her own body?

I'm not saying that she's responsible for Bill's actions...I'm saying that knowing what a job is and exposure to what a job entails are not the same as experience: this kind of résumé building is what monarchies are about, and I thought we fought a revolutionary war to get away from a monarchy.

First of all, Bill had long courted the African-American vote, and was celebrated for choosing AA women for these posts. Then he left them high and dry.

Demographics would kill Ryan: most Latinos (except for Cubans) will flock to the Democratic candidate (lesser of two evils), and more than 90% of African-Americans vote Democrat in any given election - which means that HRC has 25% of the electorate sewn up immediately. The only hope for Republicans is vote

Did I say that they were deep down racists? Nope. I implied that their treatment of Guinier and Elders was vile and smacked of the disposability of black women - something that some HRC supporters conveniently overlook when decrying sexism against HRC.

I see that you're pious and self-righteous...and she's doing more good for this cause than you and I are sitting at our keyboards.

Yep...but there is a dismissiveness among some of HRC supporters of her campaign's racism. Thus, the OP's choice of "lesser of two evils" between McCain and Obama makes it sound as though HRC was saintly.

Oh, dear. There was also palpable racism in the Clinton campaign. Rethink how the Clintons did Lani Guinier and Dr. Jocelyn Elders, and get back to me..

Love it. Love it. Love it.

I'd star you more if I could...

So true. One of my fave singers...and she write all her own stuff to boot.

But Reba's version can't touch the original, written and performed by Miss Bobbie Gentry...

And you still never responded to why the OP was pitting Mrs. Obama against Secretary Clinton, which is shady.

Dr. Angelou has passed away, so it would be difficult for anyone to be her spokesperson.

If you were to read more than just what's on this website, you'd know more than you evidently do. So much is a matter of public record: